Finally I was on the same level as a stable tunnel. I shifted my position and threw myself into solid ground. I lay there on the ground for a moment, shaking and taking ragged breaths. I threw up over the edge, the collapsed on the ground.

Semi wandless magic at the level with barely any training tool ever once of energy I had. Last time I even attempted something like that I passed out. After ten minutes, I forced myself to stand up. Who knew how long this tunnel was still going to be stable. I had to get out while I could.

As I walked down the tunnel, I looked for my dad. Had he survived? Did I loose him too? Did Thanos make me an orphan?

At the end of the tunnel I saw male figures. I quickened my pace and soon could see who they were. I saw that it was Thor, Steve and Tony.

"Where is Da— the gauntlet?" I asked. I didn't want to know where Dad was. I would find him after the battle. Right now I am going to take all emotions I have besides anger and stuff them in a little box for later.

"Somewhere under all this mess," said Tony. "All we know is that he doesn't have them."

"So we keep it that way," said Steve.

Thor summoned his hammer. I pulled out my wand and a long blade. Steve readied his shield and Tony turned on his suit.

"You know it's a trap, right?" said Tony.

"Yeah," I said.

"I don't much care," said Thor.

"Good," said Tony.

"As long as we are all in agreement," said Steve.

"Let's kill him proper this time," said Thor.

We walked towards Thanos, heads held high and unblinking eyes. He was seated on a chair, watching us come.

"You could not live with your own failure," he said. "Where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive.
But you've shown me, that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was,there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.

"Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn," said Tony.

"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do.
I will shred this universe down to its last atom.
And then... With the stones you've collected for me, create a new one." He began to stand up and grab weapons. "Teeming with but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe. Born out of blood. They'll never know it.
Because you won't be alive to tell them."

"God your monologues are worse than Voldemort's," I said taking a fighting stance. So what if I died. The rest of my family was dead anyway. Might as well go out with a bang.

We charged. I used spell after spell. I did everything I was taught in defense. I even used the planning spells. Anything that would trip him up long enough for someone else to land a blow. I wove in and out of the other fighters, casting spelling and swinging my blade.

Sweat was pouring down my face, but I didn't have time to wipe it away. Every second a swing came at me or I was the one swinging. I looked to my left and saw that Thanos had Thor trapped.

I sent a pillar of fire streaming towards Thanos. It was just enough to let Thor slip away.

"Pesky spell caster." Thanos grabbed me in one fluid motion and flung me against a rock. Pain erupted in my shoulder and I didn't dare move for a few minutes.

I barely registered the Do each Thanos was giving. I looked up, and saw Steve standing alone, ready to face Thanos. I gritted my teeth, mustered my strength and hauled myself to my feet. No one deserves to die alone.

A faint glow caught my eye. I turned and saw a circle of sparks form behind Steve. Out of the circle stepped Shuri, T'Challa and their general. More and more circles appeared and out stepped every single superhero who had been dusted. The whole Wakanda Army. Everyone.

I ran to stand next to Shuri and before I knew it, Peter was standing next to me.

"Long time no see, Witchy," said Shuri.

"How did the soul stone treat you?" I asked.

"No one remembers anything from it," said Peter.

Soon everyone was in battle positions. Steve was at the front of the charge.

"Avengers," he said. "Assemble."

We all charged.

Hey Everyone, I am hoping to finish the Endgame portion soon.

Forever and Always,


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