13. socialism it is

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The Guard lay under one of their football pieces of equipment on the field, staring at the sky. 

"I've been thinking, what if we, like... didn't... take stuff?" Jason said, breaking the silence. "Like food or whatever? Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, right? Sharing? It could be like socialism." He sat up to look at them all before continuing, "there's no 'I' in team, right?"

Clark then lifted his head up to look at Jason, "What?" Jason asked in reaction to the look that Clark gave him. 

"Riley give you that talk?" Clark asked Jason, brows raised. 

Jason narrowed his eyes at Clark before laying back down, "no". 

"Oh, really? 'Cause Gwen said that exact shit to me last night. Lukey?" Clark continued, not for one second believing that Jason came up with that idea on his own. 

"Well, it's not like it worked in China. Socialism." Luke added in, hands resting on his stomach as he watched clouds pass by. 

Jason looked over at them, "it kind of worked. Everything's made in China." He said optimistically, thinking of a way to defend the idea. 

"Well, China's a poor example. The party took complete priority over the workers." Grizz started, adding in his own knowledge, "in reality, we've never seen a true socialist state."

Clark sighed as he stared up, "maybe all the Chinese women said they wouldn't put out unless all the men got on board." 

Jason turned to look at Clark again, "Gwen say that, too? I mean, Riley and I aren't, ya know, having sex, but she said she'd stop making out with me if we didn't get on board." 

A groan could be heard from Grizz as the teen put his hands over his face, "can we not talk about how you're hooking up with my best friend, please?" He muttered, not wanting to even think about Riley getting with Jason. 

"Yeah, how did you get with Riley before Grizz did?" Clark asked Jason, truly curious now. 

Grizz shook his head in annoyance, "shut up, please." 

Luke rolled his eyes, "well, socialism it is." 

. . . 

Riley had walked over to the church with Becca and Sam, feeling like a bit of an outsider on their conversation. Riley knew some sign language, but not nearly as much as Becca, and Sam forgot that at times, so she didn't get the full conversation. The teen had always been interested in learning languages, and was fluent in Italian as well as English, mostly due to the fact that her grandfather had loved to speak the language. 

When the odd group got to the church, Becca pointed towards a row, inviting Riley to sit with them. 

"Oh, it's okay, I think I'm gonna sit with Grizz and the guys." Riley told the two, attempting to sign most of it as she spoke so it would be easier for Sam to understand. 

Becca nodded, her smile falling from her face slightly, "oh, okay. Make sure you ice your bruise later, okay?" 

Riley rolled her eyes teasingly, shaking her head slightly, "yes ma'am" she replied lightly, her tone conveying that she was teasing. 

Before Becca had a chance to reply to that, Riley had turned around and walked towards where Grizz, Jason, and the other guys were standing. Sam bumped Becca on the arm with a knowing smile, "oh shut it." Becca signed to him as she sat down. 

The Italian caught Jason's eye first and he offered a big smile and wave as she walked his way, "hey Ri." 

She smiled back, "hey", as she went to sit in between him and Grizz. Jason's arm stretched across the back of the pew, wrapping around Riley's shoulder and pulling her close to him. The teen looked up at him and smiled, not minding the affection. 

"Hey, so, how's your bruise? I'm really sorry about that, by the way. I just got really mad about what Greg said about you and I didn't think one of his friends would hit you." Jason whispered in Riley's ear, his lips brushing against her skin. 

The teen shivered a bit at the sensation, and turned to look at him, suddenly glad that they were near the back of the church so not that many people would see how close their faces were. "Thank you for defending my name, but you don't have to. The bruise is okay, Becca helped me take care of it earlier." She whispered back, trying not to interrupt Cassandra's talk on how they needed to count how much food they had and how they would need to ration. 

Jason bit his lip, "I do though, you're my friend." The words were slightly bitter, and Jason knew it wasn't fair that he was upset that all he and Riley were was friends. 

"Friends who happen to make out" Riley mumbled before resting her head on his shoulder, "friends who make out and like it" she added after a split second. 

Grizz rolled his eyes, having heard the last part of what Riley told Jason, "can you guys please stop making googley eyes at each other and find a room? We're in a church." He mumbled as she jabbed Riley's side with an elbow. 

The two in question subsequently shut up after sharing a look. 

Riley turned her attention to Cassandra's speech, listening to her preach about how adopting the new way of life didn't mean that they were giving up, but rather that they were going to survive in this new world. 

"I think we should vote." Cassandra said, not wanting to completely overstep her bounds, "All in favor, please raise your hands." 

Riley rose her hand after a few people did, nudging Jason when he didn't raise his hand and giving a look to the other guys. She noticed that Helena and Gwen did too, and the guys quickly rose their hands. As more and more people raised their hands, it became easier for those who were less willing to raise theirs as well, not wanting to be the last one to agree. 

"I don't think that we can do this unless it's unanimous" Cassandra told the group from the altar, noticing that some people still hadn't raised their hands. 

After Cassandra had said that, the rest of the teens rose their hands in the air. All except for Harry and Campbell. With everyone turning to stare at them, Campbell put his hand in the air with a smile, Harry putting his up as well with an annoyed look on his face. 

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