The question

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Sophies Pov

3 days later..

Everything has been so empty without everyone here and only me.I have tided everything and It has been so clean like this for 2 days now and hopefully I can keep it this way.It's half 12 and I've just been woken up by someone knocking at the door Last night I was on Skype to Tamara for 2 an a half hours then I was on FaceTime to Kirsty for nearly 4 hours. I eventually got to the door and Andy was standing there "God Andy don't you have a key" I say while walking to the living room and sitting down with my legs crossed on the couch "well hello to you too,someones woken up on the wrong side of the bed today" Andy says but I'm too tired so I just flung a pillow at him. Me and Andy are sitting watching TV and we have nothing to do. Andy informs me that Joey is coming here tomorrow.

Andys Pov

I've forgotten my key.So I had to wake Sophie up to let me in.I decided to come back early because Sophie is alone and stuff.But Sophie doesn't know that all of us are coming back early well Sophie doesn't know that Jordi is coming back tonight.We decided to surprise her  because we all know she misses us.

Later that night...

Sophie's pov

I was sitting at the diner table and by this time Joey had arrived at the flat with Flora.I made everyone pasta and the next thing I know the door bell goes and them my phone it was a text from Jordi stating ...

"Check outside your door baby " I showed Andy,Joey and Flora the text an they all had the biggest smiles on their face ever. "What's going on guys" I asked They all replied with "I don't have a clue whats going on". So I went to the door and standing there was Jordi with a bunch of roses in his hand and a box in the other.I looked at the box and Jordi got down on one knee, Andy,Joey and Flora was standing behind me smiling like a bloody cat. "Jordi babe before you do anything,think about what your doing" I said  to him .

"Soph babe,everyone knows that I was going to do this....". "Jords" I looked at him in surprise

"I love ye soph n ye know that right"

"I know" then Jordi started to open the box

"I've bought a flat an hour and a half away from here and an hour away from my house,will you do me the honers of moving in with me?"

"I love ye Jordi I really do but am moving..."

"Soph where you moving to?" Jords asked me and his eyes were starting to tear up

"I'm moving in with you silly"I jumped into his arms and gave him a kiss.I ran to my phone and rang everyone I knew god I was soo happy I'm moving in with the boy I love...

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