Chapter 43: Cancer

Start from the beginning

Aries too fell to one side, and breathed heavily, clearly exhausted.

Cancer was again fearful the demon would kill them, but to her surprise, Grigori merely resumed his normal stance and gave them something that sounded like advice.

"Ifreet is powerful, and Berial is cunning. Together they seem unstoppable... but one is much more vulnerable without the other.
I can see you are all fighting your own inner demons, too. Learn to conquer them, before fighting the real thing... or you will lose," Grigori warned. How the hell does he know about Ifreet and Berial? Cancer was taken aback. Was he omniscient? Could he read their minds?

Suddenly, the pressure on Cancer was lifted and she was able to move freely again. Grigori's shadow retracted back and he stood over them, eyeing them menacingly.

"I can sense you will all become powerful demonhunters in your own right, so that should mean I should kill you here and now... but I made a pact with Malus long ago, so I will spare you this one time."

Cancer, as all the rest of them were extremely relieved and happy to hear that.

"What was the pact you made with him, Mr demon?" Pisces asked.

"No concern of yours. Take that key back to the human world with you and learn to defeat Berial and Ifreet," Grigori spoke as if he had known about their goals all along!

As Aries and Gemini started to pepper him with annoying questions that most likely should have gotten them killed, Grigori turned around and disappeared into the shadows.

Cancer thought her eyes were deceiving her, but she could've sworn he possessed some semblance of a tiny smile just before he disappeared.

A few seconds after Grigori left, Evelyn began to move again and the dragon stood on its four legs and took off to the skies, without looking once at them, completely ignoring all of them.

"What the fuck?" Sag asked, as it flew back to its mountain.

"That's gotta be a good thing, right?" Gemini asked everyone, looking all around. Cancer was definitely thinking it was a good thing - she did not want to fight a dragon at this point in time.

"Screw that, let's go," Virgo pointed at the green rift getting bigger and bigger. They all raced inside and Cancer was glad to be rid of the demon realm. It had caused way too much pain and terror for her liking...


"So, we're back," Taurus noted, as he stood up and dusted himself off. Going through the portal was like going over a waterfall on a boat - no control of where you were going, but you were going somewhere fast. As they exited the portal, they all flew threw the air and landed on the ground awkwardly.

"Fuck me, that killed," Leo complained, looking at the large, diagonal scar on his stomach. He also had several thin ones on each of his arms. Cancer sympathised with him and helped him to his feet. "Thanks," he muttered, as the portal behind them closed. Ryze, Azula and an exhausted looking Malus then strode over and welcomed them back.

"I see you've made it out alive. Well done," Malus commended.

"Thanks, it was no sweat," Leo grinned, struggling to stand on his own. Ryze helped him by allowing Leo to lean on him, and even though he didn't say anything, anyone could see Leo was appreciative of him.

"You guys get the key?" Ryze asked.

"Forget getting the son of a bitch key, we also got unwanted danger, threats of death and dragonfights to go along with it!" Gemini ranted at Malus, who sheepishly smiled.

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