Chapter Three

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School became gradually fun, except the fact that I had 4 classes with Trey and he some how managed to sot right behind me everyday. Made it pretty hard for me to avoid him. "Hey beautiful." He said in out sixth period class, he started calling me endearment names everyday. He'd even called me honey bunches, I don't even think my grandma had ever called me that. I sighed, "What Trey?" I asked eventually I could feel him staring at me. "Go on a date with me." He said, I all but laughed. "Um no." "Why not?" He asked as if he really didn't know why."Because I don't want to." Was my witty reply. "One date Lyssa. I'm not asking you to marry me." I thought about it. "Will you leave me alone if I do?" I asked curiously. He was quiet for a minute. "Probably not." He said, I turned around he was grinning. "Your impossible." He shrugged, "Maybe so." "Mr. Summers, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Mr. Stone our 6th period teacher asked. "I was just telling Lyss that I would meet her at her car after school like she asked me to." I gasped. "Yes well keep your after school activities to yourself please." I shook my head without turning around, "Totally impossible." Trey was now at my ear, " You love it."

Seventh period was over in a flash unfortunately because I knew he would be at my car, when Trey said he was going to do something, he was going to do it. I grabbed my bag and walked outside to my car. "Trey why do you want me to go out on a date with you?" I asked as I approached him. "Because you like me." He said as if if were simple to understand. "How many times do I have to tell you, bad boy isn't my type." I said going to unlock my door. "Until you stop lying to yourself." He whispered. I gulped it was hard to breathe with him so close. "I'm not lying to myself." I said. He laughed he has never like full heartedly laughed in front of me. "You have goose bumps and I'm not even touching you." Trey said and even though my back was to him I could tell that he was smiling. I leaned away from him resisting everything my body was telling no begging me to do. "I'm cold." I lied terribly. He laughed again. "One date." "Will you leave me alone?" I asked again. "Maybe." He shrugged. I contemplated it he probably wouldn't bit it was worth a shot. "Fine." I said giving in. "What's your address?" Trey asked grinning while pulling out his phone. I rattled it off to him. "I'll pick you up at say 6:00 p.m.?" He asked. "Sure." I had a really bad feeling that I was going to regret this. And as if Trey was reading my mind he said, "Trust me you won't regret this."

I drove home oddly curious as to what Trey had planned for us and I suddenly remembered Lauren, she was going to seriously freak out. When I got home I pulled out my cell and called her. "Hey what's up?" She asked automatically. "IhaveadatewithTrey." I spat out. For a second it was quiet. "Please tell me that I did not just hear what I think I heard." She finally said. This time I said it a little slower, "I have a date with Trey tonight." Lauren groaned. "Lyss seriously! We talked about this Trey Summers is bad news." She scolded me. "I know I know its just I thought he might leave me alone." I didn't add the fact that I kind of wanted to, I felt this pull towards him it was weird. "That's so not gonna happen." She said I think more to herself than me. She sighed. "Alright I'll be over in an hour if your gonna do this might as well do it right." I smiled she really had become a good friend. "Awesome. See you then." I picked up my bag and went inside now feeling excited. I was really doing this.

Trey's P.O.V.

"I finally got her to go out with me." I told my brother Eric. "Well good. You gonna tell her?" He asked. "Not yet, I need her to like me first. I want her to want to be with me ya know?" I said trying to explain it to him. He was lucky his mate wasn't human. He laughed and nodded. "I gotcha. Well good luck on the date. And with the image issue." I had already thought about that, I'm not going to even try to deny it I was a player. But now that I found my mate I didn't want anyone else. I was just going to have to explain it all to her I just had to hope that she would understand that she would look past it. I loved her already.

Lyssa's P.O.V.

"Are you sure I look alright?" I asked again. Lauren had dressed me in jean shorts, a gray boyfriend tee, and gray and black chucks. My hair in curls. "Yes Lyssa you look great. Stop stressing. Now I'm gonna go before he gets here, call me when you get back." She said hugging me. I nodded. It was only about 15 minutes after Lauren had left that the door bell rang, Trey. I grabbed my black one shoulder bag and ran down the stairs. When I opened the door he smiled. "Hey." I smiled back. "Am I dressed alright? You didn't exactly tell me what we were doing." I asked. He laughed. "You look perfect. You ready?" "Yup, ready as I'll ever be." We left my house and headed out. "So I know you don't really want to go out with me but I just want you to know that yea I'm known as a player but I wanna change that I really like you and I want to be with you for real. That is if you'll let me." I mentally awed. "We'll see. In the meantime tell me about you." I said curiously. He laughed. "Um typical bad boy stuff I guess. I like to work on cars with my dad, I used to race dirt bikes. I don't know I mean I help my fad with his businesses so I don't have much free time anymore." Trey said. "What about you Miss. Maine?" He asked. "I like to read a lot, I listen to a lot of music and I like to dance too. But I'm going through kind of a change I guess since we moved here. I don't want to be the same I want to start a new life ya know be a better person." I told him honestly. I saw him smile, "Your the best person I know Lyss." I blushed. "You barely even know me." "Like I said I want to. But I for know that deep down your just like everyone else you want your parents to be proud of you, you want to be the type of person someone remembers, you wanna change the world." He said thoughtfully. And as much as I didn't want him to be right he was nothing but right.

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