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Wooyoung and Kita made it to the beach, trying to keep silent as they made their way along the base of the cliffs. They didn't stop, even after Yeosang's illusion charm had worn off.

Kita was tired, but she knew they couldn't stop. Her parents and King San had to know she was gone by now. There was no doubt they would have sent out search parties. So, she pushed herself forward, never letting go of Wooyoung's hand, using it to ground herself.

When the beach started to narrow, they made the decision to swim along the cliffs. It would erase any tracks they left behind in the sand. The idea made her nervous though. She had never been the best swimmer.

Wooyoung took her pack so she didn't have to worry about it weighing her down and they slowly eased into the cold ocean.

As it got deeper, Kita focused on taking deep breaths to keep herself calm. "Do you want me to cross first?" Wooyoung asked, sensing her fear. "I could take the packs across and then come back for you."

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I think we have enough of a head start..."

"Ok. I'll be back soon." He said, kissing her hand before swimming forward, doing his best to keep the packs above the water.

Kita watched as he got farther away, suddenly hating being by herself.

It had been a bad idea.

She had been so fixed on watching him, she hadn't noticed someone running up behind her until they had grabbed her from behind.

"Wooyoung!" She screamed, trying to fight off the attacker, but they immediately took one hand and slapped it over her mouth.

He had heard though. Wooyoung stopped immediately and turned around, swearing when he saw a tall man with mint colored hair dragging Kita away down the edge of the beach. He pushed himself forward, swimming with all his might. The packs slowed him down, but he knew they couldn't lose the gifts Yeosang had given them.

Kita struggled against the man's hold, but he was too strong. She heard someone else call out to him, then she felt another pair of hands on her. They other person was tying her hands behind her back, then slipped a gag into her mouth.

This allowed the taller man to pick her up and sling her over his shoulder. Kita continued to scream into the gag and kick her legs, but it was no use.

She could see Wooyoung pulling himself onto the beach. A few men ran out from behind some rocks. Kita tried to scream to warn him, but he was too focused on her to notice. One struck him from behind and he fell.

Her vision became blurry as tears poured from her eyes. Then she felt herself being lowered down and realized it was a small boat. She tried to kick anything that was in her reach, but someone grabbed her ankles and tied them together to stop her.

When she saw the other men approaching carrying Wooyoung, she tried to worm her way over to them, especially when she saw blood running from the back of his head.

"You're testing my patience, Princess." Someone snarled as they grabbed her hair to pull her back. "Just do it already. We need to get back to the ship." He said to someone else.

Another cloth was placed over Kita's mouth and nose. She recognized the scent of an herb used for sleeping potions. It took only a few seconds for it to work in her. Her eyelids closed and her world went black.


When she came to, Kita knew right away something was wrong. Her arms hurt and she couldn't move her body, but she felt like she was rocking back and forth. As her vision returned, she realized she was on a ship.

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