Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s P. O. V.

I thought for a moment before looking back up at Dave.

"I would love to." I said.

"Yes!" Dave yelled excitedly, picking me up, and twirling me around, "I mean, uh yeah- whatever." He said, putting me down. I chuckled and hugged him.

*time skip to Dave's house*

Dave's P. O. V.

(Y/n) continued walking down the sidewalk after we said goodbye, and I opened the door to see Rose and Roxy laying on the floor, each holding a bottle of tequila.

"Well, fuck..." I whispered closing the door, and walking back out to the pavement, "(Y/n)." I called.

"Yeah?" She said, stopping.

"Can I come with you? My sisters are drunk and I don't feel like holding their hair back in the morning." I said.

"Uh, sure, but you should know, my roommates are unpredictable, they're probably throwing a party right now." She said.

"I love parties!" I said.

"You asked for it." She said, and we continued on our way to her house.

*time skip to (Y/n)'s house*

(Y/n)'s P. O. V.

We arrived at my house, and there were strobe lights coming out of the windows, and the music was blasting with the bass so loud it shook the ground.

"Damn." Dave said, "Does this happen a lot?"

"Every other week." I said walking up to the door.

"Wow." Dave said. I opened the door, and walked in.

"Yo! The Ring Master's back!" One of my roommates, Sollux, yelled into a mic up on the stage. Everyone looked back at me and screamed and applauded. Let's just say I'm pretty popular at these parties.

"What on Earth?!" Dave said.

"I've gotta go up on stage, you go have fun." I said, Dave looked confused as I ran up on stage. I took the mic from Sollux.

"Hello, everybody!" (Let me tell you about homestuck! Jk) I screamed into the mic. A huge roar went up from the crowd. "Sorry I'm late, but now I'm here, I'm gonna give you guys what you want!" I yelled, again. Another huge roar sounded. "Circus freaks! Make your way up on stage!" I called out into the crowd. The crowd roared louder as my other roommates, Nepeta, Eridan, and Aradia, came up on stage. "Alright Karkat!" I yelled to our DJ and other roommate, "how about some Katy Perry?!" This made the crowd roar louder. We got in position.
Sollux then Eridan and Nepeta then Aradia, and me behind Eridan and Nepeta. I pulled my shirt up into a tight crop top with a hair elastic, and karkat started the music.

I knew you were
You were gonna come to me
And here you are
But you better choose carefully
I pushed through Eridan and Nep, and they laid their hands on my shoulders. Sollux and Aradia kneeled and put their hands on my hips.

'Cause I’m capable of anything
Of anything and everything
I brushed their hands off and got down on one knee while Eridan and Nep got behind me, and Sol and Aradia on both sides of me.

Dave x Reader: She was a StripperWhere stories live. Discover now