"Holy crap.", Lauren heard Rick gasp.

"Don't wanna talk about it and you can forget you've seen the bodies.", Lauren warned loud and clearly.

"Right whatever I brought what you asked.", Rick said as he presented one of the boxes only causing Lauren to smirk once again behind her bandana.

"Well well well I'm impressed Ricky boy. Didn't think you were gonna pull it off.", Lauren said and she took out her bloody pocket knife and used it to cut open the box from its protective tape.

Lauren then opens the box only to see nothing but heavily modeled machinery, huge amounts of drugs, and a shit load of money all packed in together.

"Holy shit.", Lauren whispered.

"Damn... so that's why these boxes are so damn heavy. He's still got a lot of these boxes too. We've loaded hundreds already, but he's still got plenty of more.", Rick said.

"Hmm well I got what I needed to know and hey you've been a big help dude.", Lauren said only then to stop Rick straight in the head with her knife. "It definitely won't be forgotten."

Lauren grabbed a few stacks of the money, some of the meth, and a few guns for proof of what she has discovered then made her way back home.


"Angel! Thank the fucking heavens you are ok! What the hell were you thinking?!", Mike shouted as soon as Lauren stepped into her father's office.

"Look father I know I defied your order, but you won't believe of what I discovered.", Lauren said quickly.

"What did you find?", Mike asked in a more calmer yet strict tone.

"Well one thing is for sure that the Cabello's leader was in charge of this whole thing, but he even captured and basically threatened a bunch of Regular's to do his dirty work because damn his fat ass wasn't gonna do the heavy lifting.", Lauren said.

"Heavy lifting?", Mike questioned.

Lauren simply nodded and took out the stacks of cash, the meth, and the guns to present to her father which immediately caused his eyes to widen.

"That was in the boxes?!", Mike asked in shock.

"Yup. Now that's what really confuses me here father. Where the hell is a mafia like the Cabello's getting access to these heavy armed guns, money, and drugs?", Lauren questioned.

"Didn't you say that the Cabello's and the Mendoza's were forming an alliance?",Mike asked his daughter.

"Well yes... but what would that had to do with anything?", Lauren asked.

"I may not know much about those equally pathetic Mendoza's, but I do know that their leader knows a lot of people and has access and roots to many things. Perhaps they were able to score a few calls and got all of these supplies.", Mike said as he rubbed his temples.

"I have a bad feeling about this father. ", Lauren said.

"I do too, but we'll deal with this later. Don't think you won't be punished for disobeying my orders Lauren.", Mike said sternly.

Lauren gasped, "What? Seriously? I only disobeyed for the better father! Look at what I have found! And yet I'm still being punished?"

"Lauren just because you are my daughter doesn't mean you get any sort of get away privileges. You were given an order and you chose to disobey it. So as your punishment you are to stay in your room until your next mission I have scheduled for you next weekend. I will have Miss. Hernandez bring you food and beverages, but you will under no circumstances be allowed to leave your room. You understand?", Mike questioned sternly.

As much as Lauren wanted to argue and protest so badly she knew that wouldn't be the most wisest thing so she just simply nodded and left her father's office. She grumbled words angrily under her breath as she stormed off to her room. It wasn't fair whatsoever. Sure she disobeyed an order, but look at what she has discovered! If Lauren didn't go out of her way no one would've known about what's going on with the Cabello's.

Lauren entered her room with rage which frightened her slave in surprise.

"Oh Miss. Jauregui! Welcome back. How was the mission?", the brown eyed girl asked.

Lauren didn't answer her. She was still fuming at the fact that was basically being put on locked just for trying to help her own mafia. Lauren went to look at herself in the mirror and the blood stains that tainted her skin suddenly gave her the thirst for more blood to be shed.

"M-Miss. Jauregui? Everything alright?", Camila called nervously not liking the look in the green eyed girl's eyes.

Lauren just simply turned around to face her slave that was leashed down completely helpless. She took off her bandana and strutted her way to Camila and kneeled on her knees to be face level with smaller girl. Something in Lauren was fighting with all its might to convince her not do to what Lauren was planing to do, but the rage and need for blood was much too powerful.

With that Lauren quickly grabbed her blood stained knife and slice a deep cut on Camila's head, causing the small girl to cry out in pain. Lauren continued to cut, beat, and abuse the girl just to let the rage she felt. Camila couldn't do anything. She was stuck. She took every hit and cut that Miss. Jauregui had inflicted on her. Camila was trying to think of so many things that she could've done that was making her receive such conflicting pain. Yet she couldn't recall anything she has done wrong. Maybe she was being abused just for the Angel's fun.

So much blood was being spilt out of Camila's body as the cuts bleed, bruises were already making their presence on the skin, her vision has become partially blurry, and all she could do was just lay there and take every hit. She coughed up clots of blood. Maybe she was gonna die. Maybe it was time.

Yet it wasn't. Camila actually woke up the next morning, but when Camila looked down at her body expecting to see horrendous cuts, bruises, torn clothes, and blood stains all she saw were her wounds being treated with medicine and bandages. How strange? Was Miss. Jauregui soft and decided to treat her wounds that she inflicted on her?

However this cycle continued for a month and a half. Camila would be abused nearly all night then healed in morning only to return back to being abused by the devilish Angel.

Maybe being a slave for the Angel was pretty fucking bad.

Assassin with a Heart//Camren//Where stories live. Discover now