Chapter 1: Introduction

Start from the beginning

The doctor just stood there nodding. "Okay" he finally said. Okay.. Okay?! I freaking got raped, abused and god knows what else and you just say 'Okay'! I was furious and i guess it was showing because he looked kind of scared. Haha, he should be. I finally cooled down after an awkward silence.

"Okay well, you seem to be healing well so you are free to go when you want." The Doctor said.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear! Yay, i wanna go now, please.

"Thank you, Mr. Rimshire" Dad said. Rimshire? What the crap last name is that? The doctor left the room. Ugh finally! "Daddy can we please go?" The anxiety was killing me.

"Of course Kit-Kat! I have some good news to tell you when we get home" He said with a huge smile. With that he went out of the hospital room. I can't wait to get out of this freaking hospital. I hate hospitals, they give me the heeby-jeebies. I play with my hair out of boredom. Yikes, my hair is one big knot. Oh, i guess you guys wanna know all about me. Well,

My Name is Katrina Higgins.

I'm 16 soon to be 17.

My dad's name is Paul, but i call him 'Daddy or Pauly'.

He is a bodyguard, so he's very protective.

I have brown goldish hair, everyone loves it, and says it's beautiful, but i don't think so.

I have beautiful blue eyes like my mom. Dad always tells me that i look like her, but i don't see it.

"Okay we're allowed to go now" Dad said as he walks into the room.

"Yay! I'm so hungry!" I said.

"Haha okay, Kit-Kat"

Dad hands me a pair of clothes. "Go change, then we'll go home, okay?"

"Okay." I smile at him. Don't get me wrong, i'm definitely still upset that i was kidnapped, but i'm glad i'm getting the hell out of here.

I walk into the bathroom and strip down. I look at myself in the mirror and examine all of my injuries. There's basically no part of my neck, torso, and legs that aren't covered in bruises and cuts. I feel disgusted and dirty. I feel used.

I shake the feeling off. I slip on the pair of capris, sweater and put on my hat. The bruises aren't that noticeable. I slip on my shoes and sigh. <~~~~~~ Katrina's Outfit.. ;)

I walk out of the bathroom and dad flashes me a smile.

"Ready?" He questions.

"Ready." I tell him.

We walk out of the hospital and into his Nissan G-TR. The car ride home was silent, until dad's phone rings.


Paul's POV

I can't believe my baby girl got kidnapped... and raped, poor kit-kat. I am going to find that bastard and kill him with my own bare hands. It will be a slow and painful death, i want him to suffer, or them..? How many were there? We were currently sitting in a comfortable silence, until my phone broke it. I clicked the 'Send' button.

~Phone Call~

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Paul, Where the fuck are you!?" My boss said angrily into the phone.

"Sorry sir, but i just picked Katrina up from the hospital." I tried to reason with him.

"Alright - just don't let it happen again" He replied.

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