Chapter 2

9 2 3

??? POV
Im listening to the teacher....and then the teacher looked outside the door and saw a girl...she said " oh hi my dear"...

Mind: i guess new transfery...

Teacher: Class be quite we have a new student pls be cooperate...

When i saw a girl came in it was the girl I bumped earlier....

You: Hi everyone im Seo sora im 19 years can call me Sora or Lou...Pls take care of me and i hope we can hang out sometimes....

End of ??? Pov
When the teacher saw me my aunt principal pat me at my back and signed me to go inside the classroom...but when i got inside i saw the guy that I bumped earlier...i was shocked because he is my classmate one thing i saw the girls the 4 girls that i met... I introduced my self to everyone and the teacher said...

Teacher: So Ms. Sora is the niece of our principal teacher here.. right sora...

You: Yes..aun- maam...*bow*

Teacher: haha you almost say auntie...its you may seat beside Jeon Jungkook...jungkook pls raise your hand..

*raised his hand*

Mind: Oh My! Im gonna seat beside that coconut head ugh....


lunch time
11:20 p.m

Lisa: oh hi gurl..

You:oh hi lisa where are the others?..

Lisa: you know what lets go ill take you to them so we can eat it ok to you?

You: prob now lets go..

Lisa and you are walking to the table where your friends eating...while your walking your looking around ang saw that coconut head a.k.a JEON JUNGKOOK... you saw him staring at you...but you just keep on walking...

Jennie: oh guys lisa and lou...

Jisoo and rose: yep they are..coming here...

Lisa: Yah! Dont leave me again your mean!
You: yep i agree...

Jennie: AHHA just shut up were sorry for what we did...oh hi sora come and eat..
Jisoo: HAHA its actually my plan to leave you two
Rose: me too

You:Yah! You guys are mean...
Lisa: its ok lou lets just eat...

You guys starting to eat but there this feeling that someone is looking at you...but suddenly someone inturupt you four...THREE GIRLS...

???: oh the sluts are here...this is out table idiots ... go way

You: and who are you...

Hannah: im hannah and im the queen here...

Rose: leave us hannah we dont want any troubles..

Nancy: really cuz we thought that you five are the trouble makers... * she said with a mean tone*

You: you know what i dont find your name here and if you said that you are the QUEEN well where is you fcking crown...

Hannah: oh boii...your messing with a wrong person im the Girlfriend of JEON JUNGKOOK here so step back ang leave!!

Lisa: Well rlly your are oh my...

Jooe: and you sluts should go away

Jennie: who do you call sluts.. us?? Maybe you

Nancy: shut up ang leave

You: ok fine idiots...

You and your friends leave and go to the rooftop to eat there...but you need to go to the restroom and pee you just told lisa if she can bring your lunch there... well she said yes...

You: you went to the restroom but someone pinned you at the wall...

???: who are you to say bad stuffs to my girlfriend slut!

To be continued
Only 583 words haha

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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