Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."

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Our house was clean for the most part. I had enough space the set up the large tummy time mat for the triplets. My mom bought it. Different places they lay trigger different sounds and different tunes. There's a part that hangs down with toys on them but they can't reach that part yet.

Maybe I'll also start taking out the bin with the three/four month clothes out since Jaisiah and Jasmine could just barely fit the one and two month clothes.

Yeah, I'll do that.

I really needed to grab a couple of things from the store, so I'll go right before I pick up my kids from their grandmas.

Dashing up the stairs, I grab a comb and a spray bottle, splashing my hair before combing through my curls. I'm really pulling the comb through harshly, flinching when it comes clean out and I thought I pulled a huge knot out. After combing through, I quickly brush it into a slickback.

I get dressed and grab my car keys.

"Where's my phone?" I say out loud, my eyes darting around. I glance, seeing it on the bathroom sink and grabbing it.

Whew. I'm ready to see my babies.

Not even a hour later, I'm pulling into the driveway. I ring the doorbell, Arabella answering. "Hey Sophia!"

"Hey. Why aren't you at school?"

"I didn't want to go so I told Dad I was sick. He let me stay home." She says, closing the door behind me.

"Maya is in the kitchen. Jaisiah is with Dad, Jalen and Jasmine are getting fed." Arabella explains while she walks up the stairs with me trailing her. When we reach the second floor, I see Maya sitting at the kitchen counter while Stella and Sebastian are in high chairs.

"Mommy!" Maya says, putting down the cinnamon bun she was eating. She smiles before sliding down from the chair. Her hair blows behind her as she runs to clutch my legs. "Hi baby." I greet, hugging her as best as I could without leaning down.

"I missed you and Daddy even though it was only one night." Maya breathes out before pulling away. She had frosting on her face which had probably been partially transferred to my clothes.

"We missed you too."

"Last night, we put Jasmine in my room to sleep with me. Stella slept in my room too and then the boys slept in Sebastian's room. I had ice cream and a warm brownie!" Maya rambles as I place her back on the stool. She bits back into the bun while looking at me. Aurora is walking towards me with Jalen, who is all smiles with his pink gums showing.

"Hey Sophia," Aurora says, handing my son off to me.

"Hey baby! Mommy missed you so much!" I say, clutching him to my chest and pressing a kiss to his head. He has a blue onesie on with matching blue socks.

His wet tongue hits my skin, almost instantly sucking before I have a chance to unlatch him. "You're still hungry, huh?" I laugh, holding one of his little hands.

"He just finished crying before you got here!" Maya blurts, wiping her face with the napkin.

"He's a baby."

"Why were you crying?" I ask Jalen, even though I know he can't answer. He simply just sticks his tongue out, carefree.

He looked so much like Alex. I can just tell that he is going to be a mini Alexander.

"So both of you are sick?" I question, looking back at Aurora. She shrugs, a slight smile on her face as she unstraps Sebastian and places him on his feet.

"We only have one more week anyways, all my grades are in. I'm basically done." She says before taking her sister out of her high chair, following the same actions she did with Sebastian.

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