"Still a lesbian, I see..."

"When are you going to bring a nice boy over?"

"I thought you would have grown out of...whatever this is by now."

It was exhausting and Janis wishes she had a way to just convince them to at least stop asking her about it. If she had a girlfriend she could bring, then they'd be nice enough not to say anything in front of her. She tried to bring Damian along once, but despite everything they were convinced the two were dating and were constantly grilling him to see that he reached their standards. Suddenly a lightbulb went off in her head. Janis opened her messages with her dad.

Janis: yo, pops, can I bring a friend to Georgia?

Poppa Snarkisian: I don't see why not. You thinkin' of bringing Damian again?

Janis: no, I want to bring Caddy

Poppa Snarkisian: Oh? Is there something I should know then?

Janis had a choice to make. She could be honest with her dad, that she wanted to ask Cady to pretend to be her girlfriend to teach the nosy family members a lesson.

Or she could lie to him and tell him the same lie she planned to tell the rest of their family.

Janis: she's my girlfriend, duh
Janis: kind of thought you already knew ig

Poppa Snarkisian: Still it would have been nice to find out before today. Nonetheless you know I love you and Cady both, I'm happy for you two. I'll call Uncle Craig to let him now we'll be bringing a third guest with us.
Poppa Snarkisian: See you on Friday, Pumpkin.

Janis: yeah, thanks
Janis: I love you too, see you then

She didn't bother to reopen the groupchat, she was face to face with the door to the apartment. On the other side of it, was Cady and Damian, probably hiding around the corner. She could hear them shushing each other and whispering "what's taking her so long?" Janis could still text her dad back and back out, she didn't even know if Cady would agree to it. Hell! She doesn't even have an idea of what to offer Cady in return for spending two weeks around smothering southern family, pretending to be dating her of all people.

Suddenly the door opened in front of her and she was staring Cady in the eyes instead of some random spot on the door. Cady looked shocked, "Oh! Janis! We thought you got caught up in traffic or something!"

Cady threw her arms around Janis shoulders in a tight hug, pulling her into the apartment as Damian reached around them and shut the door. He lifted the two of them in a hug of his own. It was comforting. She could hear one of those stop motion christmas movies playing quietly on the TV, probably the one about rudolf and the dentist elf, it was Cady's favorite. Without missing a beat, Damian moved away and grabbed the bowl off the counter that most definitely was full of cookies and took a seat on the couch.

"So, when do you leave for Georgia?"

"Friday, we've only got tonight and tomorrow to enjoy our holiday together," Now was the time to ask Cady, she looked nervously down the hall to the door to her and Cady's shared room, "I'm gonna go change, don't play Frosty without me."

Or she could chicken out and postpone it. She still had another day between today and Friday. She quickly unlaced her boots, setting them aside the pile of shoes at the door. She noticed Cady was still standing there in front of her, leaning against the counter and just watching her in silence.

"Do you want some help packing?"

That wasn't what she expected, "Uh...I wasn't going to start until tomorrow but, sure. Thanks Caddy."

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