Episode 22: I Can't Marry You

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Prompto and Noctis sat on the back seats while Ignis drove and Gladio sat on the passenger seat.

Prompto looked out onto the city as they crossed the bridge into the inner part of the city of Insomnia where the Citadel awaited them.

Prompto was a bit nervous. Depending on how things went today, Noct would reveal that Prompto was his partner. But mostly likely it won't happen but still, that made him nervous. Especially, thinking that he might see Princess Lunafreya.

Prompto bit his thumb nail and Noct glanced at him.

Noct placed his hand on Prompto's left hand that rested on the seat and Prompto turned to look at him.

Noct whispered, his lips spelling out "Nervous?"

Prompto shook his head a bit and Noct quietly kissed Prompto's head in response which made Prompto slightly blush and look away.

Noct squeezed Prompto's hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

Somehow Prompto felt safe as he did that.

"Prompto" Gladio called.

"Y-yes!" Prompto answered.

Gladio chuckled, "have you been around this area close to the Citadel?"

"Mmh, I don't remember much but I did come to school at this part of Insomnia" Prompto said and then stayed quiet as he began to reminisce on the time his parents were alive.

"You must have not passed by the Citadel then" Gladio said.

Prompto agreed.

A few minutes later they neared the Citadel Gates. Prompto looked around from inside the car and then watched Ignis lower his window.

Ignis and the guard exchanged a few words and they were able to pass into the Citadel.

Prompto looked out and his eyes widened,  "wow" he whispered.

The car made its stop at the bottom of the stairs that followed to the entrance of the building and Ignis and Gladio got off the car. Prompto pierced his lips in nervousness and fidgeted with his fingers.

Prompto saw that Ignis opened the door for Noct.

"Come on, Prompto, we're here" Noct said but Prompto couldn't move.

Noct looked at Prompto.

"What's wrong?" Noct asked.

"Uuhhhh,  I think i'll just wait in the car" Prompto nervously laughed.

"What are you talking about?" Noct said, "can't back down now. Come on. Lets get off. Everything will be alright" Noct said and Gladio opened the door for Prompto.

Prompto got off.

He fixed his shirt and looked around while Noct and Ignis made their way around the car to stand next to Prompto and Gladio.

Gladio and Ignis stood beside Prompto and Noct when they suddenly bowed.

Prompto looked at them confused and then heard them say,  "your majesty"

"Well hasn't it been a while. Not even a call"

Prompto slowly looked up to see King Regis walking down the stairs semi slow.

Noct sighed,  "hi dad"

King Regis smiled at him and then looked at Prompto.

Prompto looked like a little kid whose seen something new and was dumbfounded,  confused but mostly shy.

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