*Chapter 6: Strike Three//Part Three

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-Sapphire POV-

As of right now...I'm flying through the air heading towards the lovely ground...And if you're wondering how this happened, then read the last chapter you ass! But anyway how will I land..?

An idea came to mind. "Alright... let's get started..." I used the ice in Vice Grip to make multiple ice pikes. "Steady now..." I threw one into a tree before grabbing on to it, I then swing in circles before lunching myself into the air and repeating the process...Throw, Grab, Swing, Lunch Repeat.

But when I go to do it again, I was out of pikes as I quickly descended to the ground. ~Crap!~ I pull out my daggers and stuck myself to a tree sliding down it quickly before I touched the ground.

"Hn. I still got it." I started walking deeper into the forest as I think to myself. ~Alright...First thing first...I need to find a partner, once that's done me and said partner have to get a relic and go back to the cliff... simple enough~

-3rd POV, Mini Time Skip-

While Sapphire was walking she stops hearing a noise making her grab on to her katana with her right hand as her left hand sparks with lightning.

"Who's there!?" She shouted only to get a growl in response as several Grimm of different kinds came towards her.

"...Is my semblance bad luck or..?" She asked herself as she simply dodges a claw from a Beowulf before cutting it's head off. "Hmph... let's see if you can keep me entertained." She puts her sword away and raised her fists as they spark and cooled the hands they're on before she motions the Grimm to come get her causing two Beowulfs to charge pouncing at her but she retaliates by judo throwing the first one knock it into the group behind her while she spins herself off the ground thus kicking the next one into the air while it drops to the ground and snapping it's neck. "Two down...and a lot of you to go, well then bring it!" They all charged at her making her punch the ground with her right hand thus making ice spikes come up around killing at least have of them that being said she proceeded to deal with the rest being Beawulfs, Ersas, DeathStalkers, and a King Taijitu.

-Few Minutes Later-

Sapphire was exhausted as her aura gave out. "Finally..." She watched all the black dust that was once Grimm dissolve into the air and ground alike. "Alright... let me get out of her-" She couldn't finish what she was saying as a Boarbatusk rolled into her back lunching her to a tree. "D-Dammit..." She struggles to get up and when she does, she turns around to see more Grimm. "...So this is where I die..?" She asked herself until a shadow appears and disappears slicing through the Grimm at high speeds before stopping in front of her sheathing their katana making a 'Clink' sound making all the Grimm die on the spot. "Pathetic...Are you alright?" They asked sounding male as he turned to face her being the boy from before.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine thanks..." She held her arm. "So I guess we're partners now?"

"It seems so...come on." He walked ahead forcing Sapphire to follow.

-Sapphire POV-

As we walked my aura started to come back after that unfortunate fight I had, but seeing how quiet the walk was I said... "Sapphire..."

"Excuse me?" He looks at me.

"My name is Sapphire... Sapphire Rose." I told him. "And you are?"

"...Dominic...Dominic Kazan."

"Well, nice to officially meet you Dom."

"Likewise." He said as we made it to an opening seeing the others.

"I guess this is where we go then?"

"It appears so..." He walked forward as I followed.

"Hey guys!" I greeted while waving.

"Sapphire!" Yang and Ruby yelled as they go to hug me.

"Nora!" Nora shouted startling us.

"Did she just run all the way here with a DeathStalker on her tail?" Blake asked us thus making me look over seeing Pyrrha getting chased by one. "Whoa."

"Grrrrr! I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!" Yang shouted annoyed.

Two seconds went by then Ruby taps Yang. "Um...Yang?" She pointed up showing Weiss hanging from a Nevermore talon.

"How could you leave me?!" She yelled.

"I said 'jump'..." Ruby said as I started laughing.

"Way to go Ruby!" I patted her back looking up at the Schnee.

"She's gonna fall."

"She'll be fine." I said. "We have auras for a reason.

"She's falling." Dominic stated.

While she was falling Jaune jumps out a tree catching her.

"Aww come on! You should've let her fall!" I shouted at him as the floated in the air exchanging looks between the ground and themselves before quickly falling towards the ground. "Crap!" I put my hands together bending my knees...it makes me wanna say..."Ice Make, Slide!" I made a slide out of ice dust letting the two idiots slide to us. "What did we learn?"

Before they get to answer we heard a screech as Pyrrha get hit in front of us by the DeathStalker.

"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" Yang said.

"Not if I can help it!" Ruby stated as she charges the DeathStalker.

"Wait what?" I looked at Ruby as she gets closer to the Grimm trying to cut it only for her to get hit like a pesky little fly.

"D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!" She states as she slowly turned around seeing the DeathStalker in her face making her shoot it's shell before retreating back towards us while me and Yang ran towards her shouting her name as the same Nevermore flew over before sending its feathers towards us catching Ruby's cloak and blocking us off.

"Ruby get out of there!" Yang shouted.

"I'm trying!" She yelled back while trying to pull her cloak free while the DeathStalker stops in front of her raising its tail making my eyes widen.

...Bump bump...

...Bump bump...

...Bump bump...

...Strike Three...




"RUBY!!!" In an instant everything seemed to slow down as my left eye felt tingly as I pretty sure it flared up in flames while the world darkened around me. "...Huh..?" I looked around seeing everyone's aura and their color including their hearts. "Whoa..." I looked at the Grimm seeing that they had a shadow like figure like a ghost. "Is this my semblance?" I looked around as had a blue glow meaning the fire in my left eye is blue. "...Neat... Now first thing first...Ruby." I moved around the feathers getting to Ruby before pulling at the feather that's on her cloak and surprise surprise, it was really light as I pulled it out the ground and from Ruby's cloak while I inspect it. "Hmm..." I looked at the Nevermore then the feather before I took a couple of steps back before running and leaping while throwing the feather making it go a short distance before stopping. "...This will be fun..." I grabbed more feathers repeating what I did about ten times.

"I like this...and now you..." I looked at the DeathStalker while pulling out Demon Fang slashing at the stinger cutting it off as it now floated in the air before I grabbed it. "Thank you~" I then slammed it into its head before I stabbed all it's eyes with the remaining feathers. "My work here is do-Agh!!!" My left eye started bleeding as everything sped up once more meaning the feathers frozen in place zoomed at the Nevermore stabbing it all over while the DeathStalker dropped dead while I said..."Never...try to hurt my...sis...ters..." I past out as I heard shouts from the others.

To Be Continued...

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