Your a Demon? And I am an Angel.

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Ok for those who want a sequel to My Visit..... i am going to do the sequel right now! i promise!!!  Heres my newest story!!! OMG guys i cant believe there are finally bold and italics! i am so excited.

I looked at Derek his eyes changed to a bright red, and it scared me half to death. What was I going to do, what was happening? Derek is so sweet, since when do his eyes glow red?

I noticed someone fly into to the woods near me. Wait fly? He was very hot, if I do say so myself. Gosh do I hate teenage hormones sometimes. Especially mine, I mean can they not rest? Whenever I see a guy that is attractive to me all I want to do is kiss him. Well I wanted to kiss Derek too sometimes, but not anymore. He is creepy beyond normal creepy.

Ayla,” a very angelic voice came out of the hot guy, his hair swooping down, and away from his eyes. Hold-on he knew my name? Was he here to rescue me?

“ NO! Why do you always have to ruin my plans Michael!” Derek said in a voice that wasn’t his normal voice, and I ran over by Michael. At least I knew it was safe over there, and away from the freaky Derek.

“ Demon, go back to hell where you belong, and stop condemning ours,” Michael replied ever so calmly, in his dreamy angelic voice. Which sounded like beautiful sung harp notes. He then grabbed me and we were flying through the air.

“ Where are we going?” I asked him softly, I did want to hear his voice again, but I needed answers. Like what was going on might be a good one.

“ You are going to the academy, young one,” he paused, “ Just as beautiful as your mother, dear little Ayla.”

My mother and father had died in a car accident ten years ago, I had been six. I was lucky enough to have been at school when it happened. I didn’t remember much about my mother, but I couldn’t understand how he knew her. 

“ What academy?” I asked him slowly saddened by the memory of my mother, I had always wanted her back. I would do almost anything for the times I wish we could have had. The memories we could have made, and the time we would have spent together. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would have bee like if she hadn’t have died. Every kid does, and everyone has dreams. Dreams just normally don’t come true, not ones like mine.

“ The academy for young Angels of course,” he told me as we swooped into and around a millions of clouds.  The winds whirled by and around me, and I could sense the coolness of the air. It was a different world up here. Sort of like being in the mountains would be the closest experience. Of course without all the rocks that you are standing on. To feel no ground beneath your feet. The air swirl all around you and mess up your hair, and to be doing it with a hot guy like Michael. Who had just saved me from Derek the Demon. 

I still couldn’t believe it, but I was there. I part of me knew I should believe it, and another was telling me I did believe it. Who’s eyes turn red? I mean it makes the logical sense. I needed to take everything in slowly.

1) I was going to Angel Academy

2) I was flying around the sky with the super hot Michael.

3) Michael could possibly be and Angel.

4) Derek was a demon, from hell.

I was going to have to figure out more of this after I had gotten some sleep. It was dark out, but we were still in the sky. I wonder how much farther we had to go. My question was soon answered we suddenly flew down and landed on a platform, which looked like it would be for helicopters, but it was way to small. There was a huge school like building right in front of me, and it was beautiful. I looked around and noticed we were still in the sky. There was a massive chunk of land floating in the sky, yet no one had ever found it. This is truly amazing.

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