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     "Where are you going?"

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     "Where are you going?"


     "That's a shit idea."

     Rakaeya just sent a glare at Hound as she looked at Arya who didn't know what to say, "Arya, I want you to come with me, I have a plan. One that will hopefully save our family and our House and the North of course."

     "What is it?"

     "Have you heard of Daenerys Targaryen?" Rakaeya asked.

     The Hound looked at her as if she was insane.

     "She's the last Targaryen, Arya, and she has risen an army of Unsullied warriors, I don't know if you ever read about them or not, but she did, and she also is rumored to have 3 dragons."

     "Dragons?!" Arya asked in shock, "but they are all dead! I saw their skulls!"

     "I know, but that's what the rumors say," Rakaeya said, "and if it's true, do you think anyone would stand a chance against dragons?" She grinned, "we need her. If I go and get here on our side, we could win, we could have our home and our family back."

     Arya nodded, "okay."

     "Okay?!" Sandor hissed, "you realize you're a fucking Stark right? One of the rebels that tore her family down?"

     "Her father burned thousands and thousands of innocents alive for no reason, I would like to believe this Daenerys is different than her father," she looked away from him, "they say for every Targaryen the gods flip a coin, madness or greatness, I don't know what side her coin has landed but I plan on finding out."

     "Your fucking nuts," he shook his head, he looked at Arya, "you do realize your gambling with your life? You plan on gambling with hers too?"

     Rakaeya looked from him to Arya, he was right, this is a gamble. She could be going to her very death, if Arya is with her...

     "Arya, I-"

     "No, I'm coming," Arya interrupted, "I have to."

     "No," Rakaeya said sternly, "if I die, I need you alive, your one of the last Starks. There are not many of us left."

     "I'd rather die with you than be alone," Arya cried as she pulled her sister into a hug.

     Rakaeya kissed the side of her head, "we will see each other again," she whispered as she pulled away still holding her close, "Winter Is Coming," she smiled, "I'm not missing that."

     "Winter Is Coming," Arya nodded.

     Rakaeya hugged her again before grabbing her stuff as she got on the horse they got from the Freys, "Clegane," he looked at her, "take care of my sister would you?"

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