Bangtans new rival-Smuts

Start from the beginning

"Okay, um..."

"Do i still have a chance to be with you and i know you still love Jimin but i wanna second chance to make it up to you?"

Jackson sat there quietly with Jimin in his mind but then the thought of the rest of bangtan too


Jackson stood up from his chair to walk over to Jinyoungs chair. Jacksons slow approach was scaring Jinyoung even more,each step he took closer to him, jinyoungs heart paced faster

"I still do love Jimin very much so for u to have a second chance, you have to prove to me that you are worth my love" Jackson said slowly while he walked toward Jinyoung

Jackson finally stood in front of Jinyoung then he kneeled on one knee to reach Jinyoungs face. Jackson lifted Jinyoungs chin up slowy to get him to look at him straight in the eyes

"Are you up for the challenge?" Jackson smirked

"Okay! I will!" Jinyoung said smiling

"Cool, you have a week to prove your love to me" Jackson stated before leaving to clean up the table

"WHAT?! ONLY A WEEK?!" Jinyoung freaked out trying to calculate how long he would have with Jackson

Jackson was in the kithen and was laughing to himself seeing Jinyoung freaking out at the table


It was early in the morning for Jimin since he woke up. Jimin was about to get up to get ready when his phone started to ring

Incoming Call
•Answer• Decline

Jimin: Hello? Who this?

Mark: Hi Jimin! This is Mark! Jacksons friend

Jimin: Oh, good morning mark
Why did u call me?

Mark: I need ask you a favor

Jimin: Sure, what is it?

Mark: So there is this guy i hooked up with last night and i cant get him off my back also he wont leave me alone...

Jimin: So what do u need help with exactly?

Mark: I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend and we will go see him so i can tell him to let go

Jimin: I dont think thats a good idea Mark

Mark: Please Jimin, i am begging you...the other guys cant know about this or they will get mad at me and limit my partying

Jimin: I will get in trouble too Mark!

Mark: pleasssssseeee Jimin!!!

Jimin: Hmmm, okay i will

Mark: Oh Thank you Ji-

Jimin: But I need a favor too

Mark: Sure, what is it?

Jimin: I am not sure yet but when i figure it out, you have to help me

Mark: Okay, deal! See you at one

Jimin: What! You want to do this today!?

Mark: Yep, dress cute jimin!
Or should i say my boyfriend!

Jimin: wai-

Call ended

"Why me!?" Jimin pouted

Jimin checked the time to show 10:17am so it was breakfast time

Jimin got dressed for the role of Marks so called boyfriend

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