16 - Patricia

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I would not turn down a walk to the ice cream stand because Callie would benefit from a nice cone made of fatty cream. She was much too thin, and I'd been encouraging her to eat.

As we walked, Jim explained how the boys worked scooping ice cream for their summer jobs. Callie joined the conversation sounding more upbeat.

"Mom loves ice cream. She'll want ice cream and not cake on her birthday."

"Her birthday? Is it soon?" Jim asked.

"Not until September." I was hoping to change the subject.

Callie whispered, but I could still hear her. "She'll be forty-eight."

Jim looked at me and I felt as if he was assessing whether I looked my age. I felt the heat in my cheeks under his inspection.

"I wish I was forty-eight again. I've got a good ten years on you."

"Really, but you retired two years ago."

"We had to retire. We were desperate, and the plan required us to give up our positions."

I laughed at his admission. Although I assumed he was at least sixty already, he looked younger. He was fit and led an active life. Most days he spent time playing golf or tennis. Some days he would go kayaking on the marsh. I stop myself from acknowledging he was handsome, but the truth was his sons looked very much like him. I joked about admiring Dan in a towel to make Paige notice, but I wasn't blind.

I could ignore Jim's good looks, but I couldn't ignore the tingle that ran through me as he touched my back while ushering me in the door ahead of him.

I decided it was best to retire to my room. I was developing an attraction toward Jim Currier, which was not wise. He was currently my employer. A few weeks ago, I didn't even like him.

I had enough to worry about with Callie. Was this babysitting a good idea? She said the children made her happy. I just wanted her to be happy.

Since I wasn't taking Callie to the shelter, I left early to clean Paige and Dan's house. It wasn't big and only took me a few hours, including taking the dog for a walk. When I came home, I heard Callie laughing. She and Jim were on the porch and by the look of the kitchen, they made their own lunch.

As I prepared a sandwich for myself and cleaned up, I overheard their conversation. "I always wanted a daughter and Paige has Ray. I'll be happy to take care of you."

"Take care of me? I'm an adult." Callie laughed.

"I know, but I want you to know you can stay as long as you want and shouldn't feel like a guest, both you and your mom. She's very worried about you."

"I know. I'm feeling better. Really, I am."

I had to stop being surprised Jim wasn't anything like I thought. The way he reached out to my daughter caused a pain in my heart. I picked up my plate and stepped out onto the porch.

They both looked at me and smiled. Jim's made my heart skip a beat while Calli's had me bursting with pride. Her bruises had faded and her smile reminded me of her beauty. I smiled back.

"How was your meeting?"

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