Chapter 11

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A/N: hi guys! :) so here ch 11, let me know what you think! ch 12 MIGHT be up later tonight...not sure yet though, maybe :) xx

Chapter 11


The two boys walked out to Louis' car, Louis holding the passenger door open for Harry. "After you, Mr. Styles," he said in a posh accent, teasing. Harry blushed scarlet and scurried into the car. Hm. Louis realized that he had quite an effect on the curly lad...he hadn't noticed that before. Maybe he hadn't been paying attention? Maybe Liam had been right, he SHOULD watch more closely...

Louis got into the car, turned the key in the ignition and drove out of the building's parking lot. "Well isn't this going to be so much fun! Party timeee!" Louis exclaimed, in a much better mood, able to relax into his usual, bubbly, talkative self. Harry smiled softly, still looking at his feet and gnawing at his bottom lip. "Hey Haz, cat got your tongue? Wait, you don't mind if I call you Haz, do ya?" Harry looked up quickly, eyes widening at the nickname. He bit back a smile and shook his head. "S'fine," he muttered. "Sorry, I'm just kind of...kind of a quiet person..." Louis snorted. "HA. I don't believe that for a second. Are you lying to me, Styles?" Louis asked cheekily, winking. Harry determinedly looked out the window, away from Louis so he wouldn't see his face. His hands were clenched tightly on his lap. Aw, he was so cute. Louis was pleased. He grinned, continuing to drive, thinking maybe this would be easier than he thought.


Damn Louis to hell.

Yeah, you're obviously thinking, wow, that's harsh.

But Harry meant it.

He absolutely hated Louis for making him feel this way, for making it so hard to not care. So far, he was doing a really shitty job. He hoped Louis wouldn't notice his nervousness.

Oh god, who was he trying to kid.

Harry had been blushing like it was his JOB. His fucking JOB! Only in the past 5 minutes too! And when Louis winked...well...let's just say he might have needed to call an ambulance had he not looked away in time. Staring out the window, feeling Louis' eyes burning into the back of his head, Harry clenched his jaw. Who was Louis to have such power over him? To be able to control him in this way? This wasn't fair at all. Not one bit. And he was so done. He HAD to not care, he couldn't do this to Eleanor. He had to make himself do it. So he refused to look at Louis for the rest of the car ride, shutting his eyes and leaning his head against the window. Eventually, the car stopped and he heard Louis take the key out of the ignition. "We're here," Louis said brightly. Without turning around, Harry shuffled out of

the car and forcefully slammed the door shut, then stood leaning against it, hands in his pockets. He heard a pause before the sound of Louis' door open, and he heard him slowly walk over to him. Oh dammit. The guy was being CAUTIOUS now, ugh oh god he thought Harry hated him again, no this was not good... was what needed to be done.

"Let's go?" Louis said, the phrase coming out like a question. He was clearly unsure now. Harry nodded, and quickly started walking toward the entrance, hearing Louis' footsteps behind him. He couldn't look at Louis, he couldn't bear to see the disappointment on his face, the hurt, the confusion. He was being incredibly rude, but what else was he supposed to do? Louis jogged a bit to catch up to him. "So hi again," he said, attemtping to start another conversation. Harry glanced at his face and nodded in acknowledgment, knowing that the boy at least deserved that much. They walked inside, and behind a podium right by the door stood a dark skinned, very pretty girl with wildly curly hair. "Hi, can I help-" she began, but when her eyes landed on Louis, she broke into a huge smile. "Lou!" she exclaimed, walking out from behind the podium to embrace him. "YOU'RE the Danielle that works here? You're Eleanor's friend?!"he asked, shocked. "Yeah! And YOU'RE the Louis who's going out with El?! You're her boyfriend?!" Harry winced, hearing the word 'boyfriend.' Oh how he wished that was him, that Louis was HIS boyfriend...

"Yeah I am! I thought you were some

other Danielle! I didn't know you had classes with El!"

"And I thought you were some other Louis!"

They both laughed, still surprised. "Well it's so good to see you! When's the next time you're coming over? I've missed hanging out with you!" Louis said, beaming. "I know, I know, I should come over more often. But you know Liam, he always wants to go out, never wants to just stay home." Louis rolled his eyes. "Oh, Liam."

Harry was awkwardly standing to the side, rocking back and forth on his feet. He felt invisible.

This was so depressing. All of it.

Louis turned to face Harry, and Harry's eyebrows shot up. Finally, some acknowledgment. "Harry, I'd like you to meet Danielle Peazer, my roommate's girlfriend. She's in El's biology class." Harry stuck his hand out and smiled. "Good to meet you," he said, and she shook his hand. "You too, Harry!" she grinned. "Alright, so I have two stools for you at the bar, I've saved them just for you guys. Follow me." They walked after her into a section of the restaurant, the bar lit up, people talking and laughing, upbeat music playing in the background, and as Eleanor said, the football game was up on the huge screen. Danielle pointed to two stools at the end of the bar. "Have a seat, boys. I'll be by in a bit to see if you need anything."

"Thanks Dani," Louis called over his shoulder, winking at Danielle. She blew him a kiss, and left.

Harry pulled the other stool out, shifted it a bit farther away from Louis, and sat down on the edge. He pursed his lips and drummed his fingers on the wooden tabletop, staring at the grains as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

...This was way too awkward.

Louis cleared his throat, getting Harry to glance over at him. "So, how are things with you and Eleanor? Is she upset with you?...I'm sure she told you about our little argument..."

Harry shook his head. "No, she's fine, she hasn't asked me about anything really." Louis nodded. "That's good."

"Yeah," Harry muttered. "So you haven't told her then...that you're-"

"That I'm gay?" Harry cut him off. "No, not yet. Probably will soon though."

The silence resumed.

Alright, this wasn't okay. He needed to get rid of the nerves and the worry. "Oi, over here!" he called to the bartender, seeing Louis jump in his seat out of the corner of his eye, startled at Harry's sudden exclamation. The bartender walked over to the boys, and nodded. "What'll it be?"

"Beer, mate," Harry said, and the bartender turned around, quickly filled a pint and set it in front of Harry, who began gulping it down eagerly. "And for you?" the bartender asked, turning to Louis, whose eyes were wide as he watched Harry chugging his drink. "I, um, no not now, maybe later, thanks..." he said, still staring at Harry in surprise. Harry finished his glass and snapped his fingers for another, and after a moment the bartender came back and refilled it. Harry glanced at Louis, who still looked surprised. What, did he not think Harry could drink? Did he dislike the fact that Harry was drinking?

Ha. Well tough luck.

They were at a BAR, for God's sakes, what did he expect? Why was he looking at him like that?

'Stop,' he thought to himself. He was overthinking things; thinking too much about Louis and his opinion.

"What?" Harry hissed at Louis, annoyed, while his glass was being filled. Louis seemed to realize that he'd been staring and jerked. "Oh, uh, nothing. Sorry," he said softly, sounding hurt. Oh no Harry hurt his feelings, he was such a bad person, oh god. At that moment, the pint glass was set in front of Harry. He needed to distract himself from the fact that he was such a horrible person. 'This is perfect,' he thought to himself as he gulped down the golden liquid, feeling Louis' eyes on him again as he tried to drink his feelings away.

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