keep away part 4

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I'm not so sure what to think anymore.

I mean, it's not like anything was clear-cut before but... the world just continues to make less and less sense. I opened up the contingency file. This is what it contained:


Hello there. If you're reading this, I suppose I'm out of commission. Shame, I guess. I'm going to assume that we've at least made it to the terminal. Here's what you need to do:

Get on the train. Do so as soon as it comes. There's only a ten-second window where it'll open for anybody. Now, it's going to be the fifth - count them, the fifth stop you'll need to get off at. There won't be any announcements. No indications. Nothing. Do not fall asleep, just pay attention. This train goes fast, but it'll still take a while. Be patient.

While you're in there, do not look out the windows. There's nothing to look at anyways, you'll be in a tunnel. Nevertheless... it's better that you refrain from doing so. You see, we've been having problems recently. Sometimes, something stares back at you. And you can't really look away.

Now, what I'm going to mention next isn't likely. I'd say it's a 1 in a 1000 chance. But you don't have the means to deal with it, so you'll need a heads-up. If at any one of the stops, you see or hear the door opening, hide under the seats. There shouldn't be anybody getting on right now. Just close your eyes and wait for them to leave. Now, if they're still there after the fourth stop... I'm sorry.

Once you've arrived at the fifth, get out. It'll be another terminal. Very small one. There should be stairs to the right and a ladder to the left. Do not even think about going down the stairs. As you go up the ladder, it should start getting darker. Don't worry, this is what's supposed to happen. Keep feeling upwards. Eventually, you should touch something solid. It's a fake rock. Push it up and climb out. Put it back when you're done.

You should now be in a dead wheat field. This is Texas. Between Crocket and Sutton county, to be specific. Start looking around. There should be a small, abandoned farmhouse visible a few miles in the distance. Go towards it.

Once you've gone in, look for a basement. The place isn't big, you should find it easy enough. Once you have, go down there. Now, the lights don't work so it'll be dark. Turn the brightness up on the phone if you have to. You should be looking for a big, red door. There's only one, so if you think that you've found it, you have. There's going to be a numerical set of buttons right by the handle. The password is 5-3-2-5-6-7-8.

Now, this next part's a doozy. Not that you have to do anything crazy... it's just what I'm about to tell you.

You see, the reason these people knew where to find you was because they went through us first. We'd been monitoring you ever since you started getting close to finding that page. I didn't tell you, because... well why would I?

Apparently there was a mole informant in our midst. We believe that he was a member of a cult that we thought went defunct a while ago. 'The faction of the lost gods.' That's what they call themselves. I won't go into detail on them here. All I'll tell you is that they would go to the ends of the earth to find what you saw that day. That's their one and only objective. They aren't the only group seeking this. However... they're the only one that we're worried about.

I guess once they started hearing about those riddles, they thought that this thing was trying to communicate with somebody. With them. Trying to lead them there.

But this is the part that didn't make any sense. The thing that had stumped all of us. You were never supposed to see what you did. It wasn't supposed to be there. We have no clue why it was. One of the strangest things was that nobody had even created the page that it popped up on. We don't know how you found it. You were the first person that saw it since we took it off the site.

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