Chapter 10

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Kai's POV
I'm so nervous right now knowing that she will still pick blackpink over me.

Good thing I have shades 'cause if I don't,they will see my teary eyes.

Jennie came out with puffy&bloodshot eyes.

"Babe!"I ran to her and hugged her tightly.
"Babe are you alright?"I asked.

She smiled,but it didn't reached her eyes.

At that very moment,I already knew that She didn't picked me.

Mr.Yang opened the door and patted my shoulders.

"Blackpink go inside my office"Mr.Yang said.They went inside his office.

"Babe who did you chose?"I said that with a sad tone.I can't help it.

She moved her head sideways then she hugged me really tight,as if she's saying goodbye to me.

I guided her to the nearest bench and let her sit there.

I hate this silence,what does it mean?

"Uhm ehem...Kai,we have a 1 month get away to any country that we'll pick.We'll ride a private plane and limousine"She smiled while looking at my eyes.

Wait........does this mean......she picked me?is that why the other three are inside there?is that why she's sad?hahaha I might scream and jump in joy here!

"Really?!?!when is that babe?"I exitedly replied to her.

"Tomorrow babe,pack your bags now they might stay here for awhile"

"Ok babe!Let's ride my car hehe"


We went to my car and started driving to their dorm.
How about blackpink now that she picked me?I can't help to be sad for them,especially for lisa 'cause I know that she's close to babe.

After minutes of driving,we arrived their dorm.

"Goodbye babe!see you tomorrow"then I kissed her forehead.She just nodded.

I was happily driving to our dorm while singing "love shot"


Maybe tomorrow Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora