12- Cemetery

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It was in the middle of the night as the whole slender mansion was all became dark. The sounds of doors closing and the lights of each room went out. A full moon raise in the sky followed by stars that twinkle in the night sky. Cold breeze went through the forest as the plants dance in the cold air.

Slender was pacing in his room with his hands on his face. Sitting on his king size bed staring at the floor. The depression was still in him even after 20 years of the love on his life disappearance. Ever since his love of his life disappear he was lock inside his room for the whole month. The only way they manage to get him out of his room was to considered him that Willow was someone inside their hearts. And told him that, maybe, one day she'll return. 

"Where are you?" he ask to no-one. He remember the time where he was sad, Willow was there to get him back to smile.

~ Flashback ~
Slender was walking outside going far away from the mansion. He can feel the air from the top from how tall he is. He keep on walking through the forest not noticing someone following him from behind. Stopping at a large opened gate he went in. He was meet with fog surrounded him but he didn't have trouble as he keep on walking straight. He stop at the aged tree that once grow beautiful flowers but now it was dried up and dead. Just like his beating heart. Lay below the tree was two tombs. He bend down and light up the candle that was in front of the tomb on the left. He placed another bouquet of flower on the right tomb, throwing the old one. He sit down on the forest floor with the two tomb in front of him.

He trace down the words written on the tomb. His heart felt heavy and sad. Memories coming back where he still have her. "I miss you." he mounted. Tears falling down one by one into the floor. "Mom I hope you are there with dad." he said. He layed down on the floor and close his eyes thinking of their family once before his parents got killed. "Splendor keep on talking to you guys on his sleep. While Trender was always making clothes. I don't know how you guys manage to make him get out of his room one time. Offender still the same on how dad take care of him. But we did grown into a big family like you guys wanted. Splendor made friends, Trender found someone to try his clothes, Offender still looking for someone. I? I'm still the same old me. How can I change? You guys is not here with us. I'm afraid mom. Dad, you always said to stay strong but I sometime think I'm a weak one. You always said there is nothing impossible but I think some things are impossible to do."


A twig snap making Slender to get up and look around the old cemetery. The fog haven't lift up making it hard to see through the surrounding.


"Will you shut up!" he heard a whispered yelled. Slender get up and opened his mouth. "I know your there. You're already caught you know." "Men, I was doing great." Walking through the fog showing a female with Blue eyes, long brown straight hair, wearing black boots, black shorts, gray long sleeves with a white cup that was pointing at the other direction.

"Did I disturbed you? He.. Sorry." The female said laughing shyly. "I better head back." "No it's fine. I was just about to head to. What are you doing here?" "I was suppose to scare you. It was a dare Slendy, I didn't mean to interrupt on what ever you are doing." "I can only say this. I didn't expect you were the one who will show up. But you did great but next time, look around." "Yes sir!" she said in a childish way. She went towards Slender and sited next to him. "So... this is your parents grave. I bet you miss them." Slender look at her and answered "Yes. We four did. Ever since they died we started to get scared. We don't know what to do until our uncle took care of us until he also pass away." "Sorry to hear that. Are you ok now? Your speech before I interrupt sounded so sad." "Oh..yeah I'm fine. I just miss them. It always makes me feel better when I talk to them." "Do they replied back? I mean there dead. Is that possible?" Slender smiled and giggled. He haven't herd anyone ask so question. It like he was talking to his youngerself. "No child. But they hear you talk." "That's cool!" she said in amaze with her eyes sparkle. "Can I try?" He look at her before nodding. "How are you guys there? Your son is a great leader. He know what decision to make and he manage to be friends with the almighty Zalgo. He manage to make things balance inside the slender mansiona also. One time when LJ and Candy Pop started fighting he always there to stop it and make them to be friends again. He is also a awesome chief. His dishes is always great. If I am alone and he cook I will surely finish them up less than a hour!" Hearing that making Slender laugh quietly. He haven't laugh for a long time making him miss his own laugh. "Your sons, Splendor, Trender, and Offender sometimes bothered him but that didn't make him hate them. They kinda cute when they are together. I hope you herd this message." And she ended it. "Is that right?" she ask. Slender look at her with a smile and tint pink blush plasted on his cheeks. "Y-eah. We better get going." he said. When he got up he felt someone went behind him and went in top "Let's go!" The girl said. Slender heart beat hearing her voice more clearly. His body went warm and the sad feeling he felt disappear and switch into a happy one. They both headed back with the girl on his shoulder.

~ End of Flashback ~   

"Please came back. I don't know what to do without you." Then something feel of to the wooden floor. He raise his head and saw a book laying on the floor. He went towards it and pick it up. He was about to put it back when he read the tittle on the cover page. "Creepypasta."

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