SonAmy Story 3 Final Chapter

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Final Chapter: Daddys Words.Amy gritted her teeth in pain, she kept her face at Sonics chest, "don't turn to your dark side...please...Im...begging you..." Amy fell to her knees, Sonic caught her and held her close. He gritted his teeth in anger, his fur started turning darker, so did Shoris.Amys eyes were half closed, she gasped and held him tight, "Sonikuu! Don't!" Mephiles noticed Amy hugging Sonic and smiled, he unfolded Shoris blind fold. Shori was gradually turning into her darkside, as she seen her mother hugging Sonic she grew angry and sad. She stared at Amy hugging Sonic, she looked down sad, "why..." Amy heard Shoris voice, and turned around and looked at her. Shoris hands turned to fists, she looked up at Amy, Amy gasped as she seen her daughter in her true dark form. "Why do you hug Daddy! When he doesn't want me here!!!!" Sonic was in his dark form, he looked at Shori, Shoris eyes started glowing white. The floor started crumbling, Blaze, Knuckles and Shadow jumped up high. Rouge and Silver flew up away from the crumbling floor. Shadow appeared beside Rouge, Rouge stared at Shori. "How do we stop Shori without hurting her..." Shadow looked at Shori, "it might be impossible...but she is in charge of Mephiles when she is in her dark if she sends Mephiles out to kill us we're done for." Rouge looked at Shadow shocked, Knuckles noticed demons surrounding Sonic and Amy, "hey we have to help Sonic and Amy!" Amy fell to her side, blood running down her back and head. Sonic grabbed Amy and threw her away from the demons, Amy screamed slightly, Silver ran over and caught her. The demons jumped on Sonic, Amy stared in shock, "SONIC!!" Shori and Mephiles started laughing, Sonic just stood there, suddenly dark blue light appeared, the demons were sent flying. Shori gritted her teeth in anger, the demons weren't done for. Knuckles, Rouge, Blaze and Shadow ran off to fight the demons. Sonic stared at Mephiles, "what have you done to my daughter!!!" Sonic ran towards Mephiles, electricity sparks hit his body. Sonic gritted his teeth in pain, Shori smiled at Sonic, "I won't let you hurt my friend!!" Sonic looked at Shori in shock, "Sh-Shori! what your doing is wrong!!!" Shori started laughing, "But Daddy made me like this!" Sonics eyes widened, Shori looked down, "Master Mephiles..." Mephiles looked at Shori, "Yes...?" Shori looked at Sonic with anger, "finish him off." Mephiles started laughing, "Ofcourse!" Chains appeared from the ground, and tied around Sonics ankles. Sonic couldn't move, Amy gasped, "Sonikku!!" Mephiles ran to with a sword of darkness, suddenly a gun shot, flew past Shoris face.Mephiles looked at Shori, Shori was unharmed, he turned his head and looked at the person who took the shot. Shori looked at the person shocked, "M-Mommy..." Amy held the gun infront of her, she was breathing heavily. Mephiles smiled, "so you tried hurting Shori! Well No More!!!!" Mephiles ran over to Amy at super speed, Sonic gasped, "Amy! Look out!!" Sonic tried moving away from the chain but it was useless. Amy jumped back, she shot the gun twice, Mephiles dodged the bullets, he punched her in face, blood dripped out her mouth. Amy threw her fist at Mephiles, Mephiles ducked down, and kicked her in the stomach. Amy fell back, Sonic was getting more and more angry. Sonic grabbed the chains and snapped them in half, as he was about run to save Amy, six chains appeared out the ground, two wrapped around his legs, and two wrapped around his wrists.One chain wrapped around his waist, he tried moving away but the chains were tight around him, Mephiles punched Amy into the wall, Amy screamed in pain as her injured back hit the cold hard wall. Mephiles held up his sword, Shori gasped, Sonic was trying everything he could to help Amy but couldn't move.Amy smiled slightly, Shoris eyes widened as she saw her mother smile. Mephiles' sword flew down to Amys stomach, "STOP!!!" Mephiles was the frozen still, Sonic looked back at Shori, he seen the worry and fear in Shoris face. Amy was shocked, Mephiles was then kicked back by Silver, a ring of fire surrounded Mephiles. Silver and Blaze stood infront of Amy, "we won't let you hurt Amy!" Amy smiled, "Blaze...Silver..." Sonic noticed the chains loosen, Sonic then broke the chains. He ran over to Amy, "Amy!" Amy looked up at Sonic, "Sonikku..." Amy then felt faint, Sonic held her close, Amys head slowly fell back. Shori noticed this, "Mommy...? Mommy!?" Mephiles noticed Shori was going to run over to Sonic and Amy, he appeared behind her and pulled her back. "Shori don't go over there...she tried to kill you...and your father was angry with you..." Shori looked back at the bullet shot, remembering Amy trying to shoot her. Shori looked down in sadness, "Master Mephiles...destroy them..." Mephiles smiled, "As you wish." Mephiles rose his hand, demons rose from the ground, they ran around scratching everyone. Sonic stared at Amy, "Amy...I want to stop Shori but I don't know how to...please help me..." Amy never opened her eyes, she was still unconcious, Mephiles appeared infront of him, "It's too late to stop her...if you want to stop her there is only one way..." Sonic stared at Mephiles, "and what's that!" Mephiles stared at Sonic, "you would have to kill her." Sonics eyes widened, "N-No! I would never kill my only daughter!!" Mephiles smiled, "then everything is lost..." Sonic gritted his teeth in anger. Sonic sat Amys body on the ground, he stood up, a dark light appeared at his hand, a huge sword. Mephiles smiled, "so you plan on killing her..." Sonic kept his gaze to floor, "even if she is like me...I would never kill her...she is me and Amys flesh and blood...I won't stop fighting you..." Sonic looked at Mephiles with angry eyes, "Until I tell My Daughter the two words I have been meaning to tell her for a long time!!" Sonic ran and slashed Mephiles across the chest, Mephiles gripped his chest in pain. He ran towards Sonic with his sword in hand, their swords clattered together over and over again.Amys eyes soon fluttered open, she sat up and seen what was going on, she noticed her friends being attacked by the demons and ran off to help them.At the back of the ballroom was the hooded woman, she clasped her hands, "My son...please don't give up...there is still much hope left for our world." She noticed Amy get hit by a demon and fall to the ground. The woman ran over to her, Amy landed on her stomach, "Ow..." Amy felt a hand on her shoulder, "are you alright?" Amy looked up, "Im fine...who-""Please my name isn't important right now..." Amy nodded, "the only person who can stop your daughter is Sonic..." Amy looked at her confused, "but how?" the woman hedgehog smiled, "just by saying two little words...that's in his heart..." She help Amy to her feet, and ran off. Amy looked at Sonic, "Sonic what do you want to tell Shori..." Amy placed a hand to her heart, "Whatever it is...Please Hurry." Sonic and Mephiles jumped back away from each other, exhausted. Sonic looked down and seen Amy smiling at him, Sonic smiled and nodded, he shot towards Mephiles, his sword stabbed right through Mephiles shoulder. Mephiles fell down to the ground, holding his shoulder. Sonic landed infront of him, Shori noticed this, "No!! Mephiles!!!" Sonic got out his sword and pointed it at Mephiles chest, the sword then shot down. Mephiles quickly grabbed it, Sonic pushed the sword down harder, Mephiles tried holding it back. Mephiles looked at Shori, his eyes widened in shock, Shori had tears falling from her eyes. No one had cried over Mephiles, he was shocked, he forgot that Sonic was there. Sonic shot the sword down to Mephiles chest again. The sword went through his chest, Mephiles eyes widened in pain. Sonic pulled out the sword, light hit Mephiles body, he then turned to black dust. Shori started screaming, "NO!!!" Shori held her head in pain. The demons faded away into dark smoke, Amy looked at Shori worried, Sonic slowly walked over to her, dropping his sword. Shori noticed him coming over, her evil eyes stared at him in anger, "Don't come over here!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" Sonic didn't stop, he continued walking over to her, "no Shori I won't walk away from you again." Shori looked at him shocked, "N-No! D-Don't come over here!!" *Shoris mind*Shori was in nothing but white, in the distance she saw Mephiles. He gradually walked over to her, as he walked over to her his dark side disappeared, he was then a normal black hedgehog. He kneeled down infront of her, "Shori...listen to your dad..." Shori looked down, "but he doesn't want me around..." Mephiles hugged Shori, "trust me...he wants you around, but you have to stop your dark was wrong of me to do what I did...Forgive me..." Shori smiled, "it's ok..." Mephiles smiled, "Thank you." Mephiles then faded away, Shori smiled and nodded, "ok I will listen to Daddy."*reality*Sonic continued walking over to her, Shoris green emerald eyes started showing, Shori held her hands out infront of her, "D-Don't come over here. I hate you-" Sonic fell to his knees and hugged Shori close to him. Shoris eyes widened in shock, "D-Daddy..." Tears appeared in Shoris eyes, "I'm Sorry" Shoris was shocked to hear those words, "I'm so sorry Shori...I'm glad you were brought into this world...You're my little Girl." Shori hid her face in her dads shoulder, "Daddy!" she started crying.Sonic was holding back his tears, he held her closer. Amy smiled, a tear fell from her eyes, Shoris dark power then faded into Sonics body, Shoris fur then turned normal again. "I Love you Daddy." A tear fell from Sonics eyes, "yeah Daddy loves you, very much too." What everyone didn't know was that the amount of dark power in Sonics body was just to much for him to bare, Sonic then felt a strong pain in his heart, Sonic let go of Shori as he fell back, Amy gasped and ran over to him, "Sonikku!!" Shori sat at Sonics side, "Daddy!?" Sonic smiled, "don't worry..." Amy kneeled down beside Sonic, "Sonic what's happening to you...?" Sonic sat up, holding his chest in pain, "it's nothing..." Amys tears fell faster, "Sonikku...tell me..." Sonic wiped away Amys tears, "I took Shoris...dark power away and placed it inside me...but hers and mine combined is too much..." Sonic tried standing up, he stumbled over, Amy ran to help him, "Stay back!" Amy stopped running, "Sonic..." Sonics hands turned to fists, he started growling, his body started glowing dark blue.Suddenly the seven emeralds appeared, light orbs shot towards Sonic which came from the emeralds. Sonic then out all of his power, "AHHHHH!!!!!" Amys tears were falling uncontrollably, "SONIKKU!!!!" A huge white light covered all of Mobius and Mobotropolis, Amy then ran to Sonic, 'Sonikku...Sonikku!...please be alright! PLEASE!!' Shori ran aswell, "DADDY!!" Amy could see Sonic standing there letting out all of the power he had, he was in his normal form. Amy jumped towards him, "Sonikku!!..." Sonic opened his eyes and noticed Amy, "Amy...?" Sonic smiled, "Amy!" he held his arms out, Amy landed in his arms, she wrapped her arms around him not letting go. Sonic held her close, "Don't go!!" Sonic looked at Amy, "I need you!...Your everything to me! Shori needs you!" Sonic held Amy closer, "I will never leave you...I Promised didn't I..." Amy smiled, "Yeah you did..." Sonic and Amy looked into each others eyes, Amy blushed slightly, "I Love you Sonic the Hedgehog...I always will." Sonic smiled, "I love You Too Amy Rose the Hedgehog." Amy placed her hands on Sonics cheeks, she leaned in, Sonic noticed this and closed his eyes. Amys lips pressed against his, Sonic deepened the kiss. Shori smiled, and giggled. Amy and Sonic broke the kiss, Sonic slowly faded away, Amy noticed this and gasped. Amy burried her face in his shoulder, she gritted her teeth in sadness. Sonic smiled, he then disappeared. Amy fell to her knees, she looked up and noticed he wasn't there. Shori sat next to Amy, "Mommy..." Amy looked to herside and seen Shori, Shori had tears running down her face. Amy smiled and wiped away Shori tears, "It's ok Daddy will come back I can feel it..." Amy took hold of Shori and stood up. Shori looked around as the white light disappeared, Amy and her friends looked around in amazement. The castle was repaired as if the battle had never happened. 'On that day of beginnings, I had been bluffing I stood on my tiptoes during that childish, fateful meeting'Everyone walked out the castle, Tails looked at Knuckles, "Hey Knuckles do you think Sonic will ever come back..." Knuckles smiled, "Who knows..." Amy gasped as she looked outside, the sky was blue and the sun was shining, everyone smiled. The hooded woman was stood outside, she pulled her hood down. Shori smiled, "Nana Aleena!" Amy looked at Shori confused, "Nana?" Shori jumped out of Amys arms and ran to the woman, which was Aleena. 'We felt the same wind and laughed together Ah, when I look back on them, those days are so nostalgic'Aleena smiled, "Hello Shori." Amy was more confused, Aleena smiled at Amy, Amy then recognised her, "Ah You're the one who came to me in the castle..." Aleena smiled, "and you must be my Daughter in-law." Amy looked at her shocked, "You must be...Sonics Mother!" Aleena nodded, "Yes..." Amy gritted her teeth as her tears fell from her eyes again, she ran to Aleena, Aleena hugged her.'I can still hear the sound of your footsteps Your voice reaches me no matter where I am, see?' Shori smiled, Amy looked down at Shori and lifted her up, Amy hugged Shori. Shori hugged her back. Amy and Shori looked over the horizon, in the distance, Amy saw a streak of blue, it soon faded away. Amy smiled, 'Sonikku...Thank You...' Amy turned around, everyone started walking away.- - -In a field in Mobotropolis, layed a certain blue hedgehog. His eyes slowly opened, he sat up and rubbed his head, "aww man...what happened..." He then remembered the incident with Shori, Mephiles and Amy and his friends. "Oh yeah...everyone is safe now...but why am I here did the power of the Chaos emeralds send me here..." Sonic stood up, and stretched, "Oh well! Atleast everything is back to normal...I have to go home to my family." 'I'm not alone anymore, there are two shadows I'll embrace that high, distant melody cherishingly'Sonic started walking away, "but one quick stop first!" Sonic then ran of at super speed, he reached his old home. He walked through the doors, in the distance he saw Sonia and Manic. "Oh come on Manic green is soo not my colour!" Manic started laughing, "ok ok!" Sonic then walked towards them, "Same old Sonia!" Sonia and Manic turned around and smiled, "Sonic!" they ran over and hugged him, "Mother told us you disappeared..." 'I'll change these growing feelings into words No matter what, I'll hold onto your warm hand And continue creating My time with you'Sonic looked at them confused, "Mom?" Manic smiled, "Yeah Bro! Mom has been watching over you man...and we kinda told her about you, Amy and Shori..." Sonic looked at him shocked, "You did what!" Manic started laughing, "C'mon Sonic take a chill pill!" "Sonic..." Sonic seen his Mother, Queen Aleena, Sonic smiled, "Mom." Aleena smiled, "welcome back my son." Sonic hugged his Mom. "Glad to be back Mom, but I'm not really staying I have a place to go to..." Aleena nodded, "Ofcourse I understand but, why didn't you tell me you got married and had a child..?" ' "How far have we come?" you asked when you ask me, "are you tired?" I laugh and shake my head'Sonic smiled slightly, "I'm sorry mom...I just thought you would be disappointed in me...I know you want me to rule Mobius but...I just want to live as a normal person...with Amy and Shori." Aleena smiled, "I'm not disappointed in fell in love with a beautiful young woman." Manic smiled, "Yeah she is really hot." Sonic looked at Manic, "hey you keep dreaming!" Sonic and Manic started laughing. 'And then we walk on shoulder to shoulder That's right, in front of us is the colorless ground'Aleena still smiled, "and you raised a wonderful child..." Sonic smiled and nodded, "Yeah I did didn't I." Aleena nodded, "A child who is waiting for her father to return, Now go!" Sonic nodded, "Yeah! Thanks Guys!!" Sonic then ran off at Super speed, Sonia and Manic smiled at each other, "he really is something isn't he." Aleena giggled, "yes he really is." - - -In a small house in Mobius, Amy and Shori were doing their usual daily routine. Amy was cleaning the house, Shori was drawing pictures at the table. Amy walked over to Shori, "What are you drawing Shori..." Shori smiled, "us! You, Me and Daddy!" 'No matter where we go, there's nothing in our way Together our feet go on ahead, undaunted'Amy smiled, Shori coloured it in, "Finished!" Amy took hold of it and looked at it, she smiled, "Let's put it on the wall." Shori smiled and nodded, "Yeah!" Amy got four pins and pinned it to the wall. 'With my certain feelings, in the midst of the wind In my closed eyes I sense your shapeless figure'The window blew open by the wind, they both turned around, Amy and Shori heard the door, open. 'My unstoppable emotions leave behind footprints Here and now, our tracks are born'Amy smiled at who she saw, "Welcome Back." Shori smiled, and ran over to the person, "Daddy!" 'I change these growing feelings into words And hold onto your warm hand forever And continue talking about My future with you'

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