Chapter 15 - What Happened

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They were now standing by a waterfall. Zoe looked around and saw a clear spot surrounded by trees. They walked to this place and sat down.

Zoe began, "So Jude I'm sure you are wondering why I'm alive right now, even though I was dead."

Jude nodded his head.

Zoe continued, "Well, Jude, it was you. See when I died, those many years ago, you built a bond that connected me to you. The bond was of love and need. See you have a gift Jude. You, quite literally, brought me back to life. As the years went on, that bond got stronger; for you never gave up. Today, when you were fighting those two guys, you nearly died; that made the bond become its strongest. This had, in turn, made me come back to life. What happened was, your love for me was forever. Then, you realized that you wouldn't live through that fight, without me to help you. That made the need, for me, to reach its peak height. That was the last thing you needed, for the need, to bring me back. Now, so long as you live, I live."

Jude looked surprised, and then he said, "So, how come you didn't come back when I was fighting Ben; the guy who had killed you?"

Zoe answered, "You weren't going to die; Loki was with you. In the fight today, for the most part, you were alone and in serious danger."

Jude looked down and mumbled, "Oh that makes total since." Suddenly he looked back up at Zoe and asked, "So, how come you died a young girl, but came back a year younger than me?"

Zoe replied, "That is difficult to explain, with me being young when I died and coming back at that age... we couldn't have had a relationship. There are many other reasons, but that was one main reason."

Jude smiled and said, "That is ok, it's all I needed."

They sat there and talked until dawn; when they saw that it was morning they teleported back to their old houses.

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