🖤Ch.17: Defeating the Guardian of the Underworld🖤

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Not only could the Cerberus breathe Fireballs and Dark Breath, but also has a powerful Bite and a very strong amount of durability.

It snaps its fangs left and right, ready to tear into whatever it gets into its maw of sharp teeth.

Goofy's shield provides excellent protection from incoming Bites, while allowing Donald to cast his spells and giving Stitch enough elbow room to provide cover fire.

At times, the three-headed dog spews a dark, murky substance from its mouths which causes puddles of darkness to pop up randomly around them before turning into pillars to dish out more damaging attacks. This attack of the giant hound's couldn't be confronted or blocked, only dodged, so staying mobile and watching where you step is key to staying alive.

Cerberus' Fireballs can be easily deflected with a well-timed block from a Keyblade.

The middle head was the one that causes the most trouble, so everyone sticks with taking on the two outer heads.

After several failed attempts to Bite, Cerberus stands on his hind legs and roars in the air. Letting his body fall back to the ground, his front paws create a massive shockwave.

Dawn summons her Darkness Chains, coiling them around the beast's right neck and swings herself onto his back before letting loose some powerful Thunder magic.

But the girl's victory is short lived when Cerberus shakes Dawn's Links to Darkness from around its right head's neck taking them into his fangs and yanking her off his head, swinging her around like a ragdoll before sending her crashing into the far wall of the arena.


The young girl can just barely hear her friends' worried cries and Phil's shouts over the ringing in her ears. The speed in which she was thrown caused a crater to form in the wall where she crashed.

Forcing her eyes open, she can make out blurry, blue, black and white objects moving hysterically around to her face. She blinks away the blurriness to reveal blue blur to be Stitch and the white-black ones to be Dylan and Dolly.

The alien experiment has been removing piece of marble rubble off the girl's beaten form.

"Dawn-alright?" He asks.

"You just got thrown around and chucked into a wall! No way she's alright! Where's the break? Do you feel a break?" Dylan begins panicking, looking over Dawn for any sign of injury.

"No." Dawn replies just as quick.

"Sometimes you can't tell because fluid is rushing to the area. Now, any rushing fluids?"


"Are you woozy?"


"How many fingers am I holding up?" He holds up both his paws in her face.

"I'm fine." Dawn continues to insist.

"Answer the finger question!"


"No! See, something's wrong with you! I have one, two..." He begins to count each of his fingers. "Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That's all I have? Oh, she's okay."

"Yeah. . .Yeah, I'm alright." Dawn reassures her furry companions as she pushes herself off the ground and tries to throw off the dizziness she's feeling in her head.

The very second she finds herself upright, the ground beneath her feet begins to tremble furiously and suddenly something attacks her from behind, knocking her to the ground again.

The Twilight Princess (Kingdom Hearts Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz