Chapter Six: An Unexpected Twist of Events

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"O-Oh my god, my poor baby..." More tears flow down her cheeks while her hands cover her mouth, mumbling her words.

Inko just couldn't handle anymore of the stress she's encountering through after she received an urgent phone call from the police, which had triggered a panic attack at work hearing that godawful news she discovered about her son. 

She was just casually adding up some numbers on her computer at work right after finishing her lunch break until she felt the vibration of her phone against her desk. At first, she thought it was Izuku notifying her about their day and updating on their process. But once picking the device up with an unknown number presented on the screen, something inside her dropped. There was a gut feeling that something was up and out of the ordinary.

She taps onto the answer button and slips the phone over her ear to hear this mysterious voice and greets them with a casual hello.

"Is this Mrs. Midoryia I'm speaking to?" The voice huffs into the speaker.

"Yes, this is she. Maybe I ask who I'm speaking to?" Inko's curious tone questions the person as she spins her chair away from the desk.

"This is Agent Hiroshi from the Police Force, I'm here to notify you about your son, Izuku Midoryia." He kindly identifies himself and already straightforwardly gets to the point.

"Izuku? Is everything alright with him? He didn't get himself into trouble or anything like that?"

The agent clears his throat and replies in a raspy voice, "I'm afraid that your son has gotten into an accident, miss."

Her breath hitches as her body tenses up hearing those words from the voice. 

"W-What did you say?" Anxiety cleanses her emotions and instead replaces them with worry and panic as her eyes wide open in shock.

"There's been a villain attack, and your son just so happened to get himself involved into a fight that outraged for quite some time before it ended with the villain fleeing the scene. Both Izuku and another identified victim who goes by Katsuki Bakugou has been brutally beaten and is suffering through severe casualties that they've been sent to a nearby hospital."

"O-Oh...oh..oh m-my god..." Tears welled up in her eyes and flow down her cheeks as her free hand covers her mouth in horror to block out her muffled heavy breathing and a possible scream threatening to escape.

"I deeply apologize for the inconvenience and informing you about this at such short notice. I assure you that the medical team is performing their best right now in the operating room as we speak." He informs about their updated situation, hopefully, that was enough to rehabilitate herself and calm things down.

She didn't hesitate to sob out her answer as she scurries back to her desk and immediately started packed up her things, fluttering papers and pencils dropping in thuds fly around her in the background on her end.

"O-Operating room?! Oh my god no..." Inko takes out her purse and fumbles her things with a shaky hand to place inside the bag.

"Mrs. Midoryia, please remain calm. I'm sure your son's going to be alright. For now, I'm going to inform you that Izuku is currently being treated at the Hosu General Hospital."

"O-Ok, t-thank you. I'll be on my way then."

"No problem, ma'am. Take care and don't stress yourself about this. I'm sure everything is going to be alright."

𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [on hold and requires editing]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें