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So...I need someone's opinion on my school essay, the details are:

Students will create their own fictional mythology story using the characters they have created. The story will include a protagonist who goes on a quest and learns a deep valuable lesson in doing so or makes a new discovery. Your story must include all of the fictional elements (setting, plot, climax, problem, resolution) we have studied in this unit. The story can contain Greek gods and goddesses or your own made up ones. Create a Google Doc in this assignment. The story will be due on May 28.

Must be 14 Font
Minimum of 2 pages
Check Spelling and Grammar


"MOTHER! MOTHER!" Young Roslindis called out.

"What is it, Roslindis?" Alice asked, knowing it might be like a pretty flower or even a small animal. Don't get Alice wrong, she loves these gifts from her 7-year-old daughter, but she found it rather unusual that Roslindis was yelling. Her daughter was more of the quiet type. Roslindis came rushing up to her mother, grabbing her hand and basically dragging her out the door.

Right outside the door, lied a great red and orange bird. It was the well known Phoenix. Alice stood in awe as the bird began to build its nest.

"Mother, isn't it good luck to see this bird?" Roslindis asked while playing with her mother's fingers. All Alice could do was a nod. Almost no one saw the bird, so while it built its nest in her front yard, which was gifted from Zeus, Roslindis's father, she felt incredibly lucky.

Roslindis released her mother's hand and sat in the grass while watching the bird work. Alice trusted her child to not interact with the bird, even though she learned through the tales of Pandora and Orpheus that sometimes curiosities can get the better of humans. But Roslindis is young, quiet, and smart. She thinks through her actions before acting and is rarely in danger. Alice continued to make her and her daughter their evening meal, then, there was a scream.

"MOTHER! HELP!" Alice rushed out and saw the red and orange bird carry her child off into the sunset. Roslindis was struggling, but she kept her composure. When she was too far to even see her mother's house, she gave up struggling, saving her energy for whatever was going to come up. She kept track of what turns the bird made and how long they were flying. The Phoenix screeched and Roslindis tried her best to cover her ears from the noise. She realized that while she tried to cover her ears, she lost track of their position.

She teared up at the thought that she might never see her mother again. Even at the thought that she might never live to her full potential. She is far too young to die.

Finally, the bird came to a stop and released the child from its talons.

"Hello? Is someone there?" a voice called out. Roslindis hasn't ever heard this voice before, so she kept quiet.

A tall man came from around a tree.

"A quiet one, I see," the man said with a chuckle, "I'm Mateo, how did you end up here?"

"The big bird carried me away from my mother," Roslindis stuttered out.

"Oh," that is all Mateo could say. Rarely is a child taken from their mother, unless the bird feels like one of the parents has no care for the child.

Roslindis hung her head, her golden hair hiding her face which was covered in tears.

"Child, where is your father?" Mateo asked, confusion lacing his voice.

"I don't know who my father is, but Mother always said that Father was always watching us when he wasn't busy with his work."

"I see, ok, well, where do you live?"

"Athens," Roslindis's voice broke and Mateo nodded, deep in thought.

"Well, seeing that we are in Paradise right now, Athens is many, many miles away. We'll get you home at some point."

"I want my mother," Roslindis broke down into tears and Mateo held the small child as she cried. Mateo knew exactly how far they would have to travel, and he wasn't sure if the child could handle it.

"Hey, kid, you never told me your name," Mateo said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Roslindis," Roslindis said after she calmed herself slightly. There no point in crying if there was even the smallest chance she could get back. Mateo released her from the hug and just stood there. She took deep, shaky breaths and wiped her face.

"Mateo, could I possibly ever see my mother again?" she asked. Mateo took a moment to determine if Roslindis could handle the journey. She seemed like a tough person, but, she was also very young and could get tired quickly. Mateo decided to give it a try, after all, the worst thing is that he would have to find Roslindis's mother and tell her that her daughter is dead.

"Yes, in fact, we can start on our way there to go and get you home."

There was a sparkle in the smiling child's eyes as she looked up at Mateo.

"Let's go!" Roslindis said, grabbing Mateo's hand and practically dragging him, despite not knowing what direction to head in.

"Kid, you are going the wrong way."

About halfway there, Roslindis fell asleep, later than Mateo thought, he expected it about a third of the way there, but she proved him wrong. So now, she hung on his back as he continued to walk, his legs about to give out. Sometimes being mortal sucks.

"Mother, who is my father?" the sleeping child mumbled. Mateo smiled to himself as the child continued to sleep on him. He decided there was a good place to rest because he was tired. Mateo set down Roslindis in the grass and went to get some water from the river. So far, the journey hasn't been so bad, but soon they would have to encounter some beasts. Like, the Gorgons. Why did he let himself do this? If Roslindis got hurt, it would be his fault. Mateo shook the thoughts from his head and sat down next to the river. Soon enough, he was joined by the young child as he watched the river flow.

"The river is calming," Mateo said, breaking the calming silence. Roslindis nodded and continued to watch as the river flowed.

"I really want to see my mother."

"And you will. Trust me, everything will be fine," Mateo reassured her. The birds began to sing Orpheus's songs and Roslindis found this really calming.

Many more days passed, and the pair had ended up near the place where Medusa resided. Unfortunately, they had only stepped on Earth. Mateo told Roslindis to be extra quiet as to not to disturb the Gorgon. She carefully analyzed each step and watched how Mateo walked and how he behaved. She copied him as much as possible, but sometimes her shorter legs couldn't make the same large steps he was making.

Yeah, thats all...so...it is like 3 pages on google docs, and idk what i should make the moral...im thinking of making mateo bad and end up taking the child someplace bad, but i also have to keep this pg because, well, its a school project...moral is probably gonna be some form of dont trust strangers, tho

Also, im updating this daily, probably like a paragraph more each time

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