Fryer halted whatever he was doing and looked up at Felix, making sure he didn't see past his facade, "isn't it natural? She was practically a stranger to me and died eight eyes ago. I'm supposed to move on."

"Then what is going on between you and Elena?" Felix asked again.

"What will go between us?" Fryer looked at him confused though he knew what he was talking about. 

"Why have you been showing so much care towards her these past days?" He asked him. 

"Because she is Elestren's friend and our guest." 

"That doesn't explain why you are spending your nights at her place,"  Felix said telling Fryer he had caught him. "I saw you leaving the guest house at dusk this morning."

"That was just one night," Fryer mumbled. "I had to talk to her about something." 

"Like what?" 

Freyer narrowed his eyes at Felix, "since when did I have to tell you about my business?" He snapped. 

"No need to fight over a stupid thing," Elena suddenly entered the office unannounced. The two men looked at her startled at how they didn't notice her presence until now. Now that Fryer thought about it, most of the time he never noticed her presence until she made it known herself.

How was that even possible?

"What are you doing here?" Fryer asked her watching as she casually walked in as if she owned this place.

Elena smiled at Felix and put a file on the table, "to give you this." 

"What is that?" the two asked together. 

"A little background search on Katherin," Elena answered nonchalantly and sat comfortably on the couch. She crossed her legs and looked around the place not bothering the looks the two were giving her.

"Why did you do a background search on her?" Felix asked.

"How did you find all of this?" Fryer asked as he looked through it. Felix walked around the table and stood beside Fryer to look into the file as well. 

"Aren't you boys full of curiosity," Elena mused, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"But to answer your question, she is a spy sent by the Azulo pack, " she looked at Felix and then at Fryer "I have my ways."

"Like what?" Fryer asked her suspiciously. 

 "Like me being a great hacker," Elena smiled excitedly and crossed her legs, "oh, and the fact that the Royal werewolves database has the weakest security system." 

"You hacked into the royal database?" Felix looked at her shocked. 

Elena proudly nodded, "it was a piece of cake."

The two boys looked at her bewildered. "Do you even know the punishment for that?" 

"Twenty years of prison with ten years of hard work at... which mines were they again?"

"Niran mines!" Fryer said, "Ten years work at the mines that is always under volcanic activities."

"Right!" Elena nodded.

"Do you even care about yourself?" Felix asked her.

"Huh?" she looked at him in puzzlement. "It's not like I'm caught."

"But what if you were?" 

"Then I go to prison," Elena shrugged as if she was talking about a walk in a park.

"You really don't care about yourself," Fryer shook his head in disappointment. This girl was going to get herself killed with her careless behavior.

"This kind of risk, it's worth it," Elena smiled genuinely and stood up ready to leave. "I would rather die than let watch innocent people die." 


"I can't believe so much happened yet you didn't say a word to me," Felix looked at him accusingly. "You two can't do this alone. You need to tell others about it."

"I don't know. Even I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Fryer replied in frustration running his fingers through his hair aggressively 

"We will all think about this together. Trust us at least that much," Felix said in concern.

"I do trust you all. How can I not trust my own pack?" 

"Then tell everyone. Let us all work together in this," Felix suggested.

Fryer pondered over his word before he nodded.

"Alright," Fryer smiled thankfully, "tonight at midnight, gather them at the underground."

"Yes alpha!" Felix bowed but then looked at him, "this brings me back to my question. Who exactly is Elena to you?"

"My answer is the same as before," Fryer shook his head. 

"If I were you, I would take this opportunity," Felix said, "That girl is too good to be left."

I know. He wanted to tell him this but he just could not bring himself to say this. 

"Wait until your mate hears this," Fryer narrowed his eyes at him jokingly. 

"Trust me, she is shipping you with Elena way more than anyone can imagine," Felix laughed and left the room. 

Fryer stared at the file that Elena has brought. This girl was too reckless for her own good. He thought back to the words Felix just told him. Given that Elena was a great person, from what he had gathered, she was too careless and that carelessness of her would bring danger, not only to herself but to those around her and Fryer couldn't risk that kind of danger towards his pack.

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