XXII - Weakness

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Jacob didn't wait around for Burgess' men to come hunting for him. Of course he knew he gave his position away when he shot the Rogue - nothing Jacob did was without thought or calculation. He prided himself in his careful tactics and strategies, especially when it came to stealth.

Of course he had hand to hand combat training, but as a former military marksman, Jacob had been trained to do battle without being seen - to shoot at high-value targets at lonnger-than-usual ranges ... and he was one of the best.

Jacob slid into cover as he heard some men come near him, keeping his head down as he laid in cover under a row of shrubbery. "Anything?" A man shouted to his partner. "I don't see anything. Probably wasn't even here. Burgess is fucking paranoid." The other man said. "Like Jacob Seed would come kill us all over some bimbo - Todd's forgetting he's a heartless fuck."

The men turned their backs on Jacob's location as they began walking away. Jacob slowly stood from his position and grabbed the man closest to him, covering the man's mouth and plunging his knife quickly into his neck before slowly dropping him to the ground, cautious to avoid making too much sound. The other Rogue was about to turn around when Jacob reached for his pistol and popped a near silent bullet into the mans chest twice before the man collapsed.

Jacob picked up his rifle and continued on his way to find another strategic place to scope out a rescue.


Andi had been sitting in that room as the sun began rising over the tower that she was had in.

Just bloody perfect. The fucking damsel in distress locked in a goddamn tower.

Her shoulders had began to feel like her joints were filled with cement as she tried rolling them to increase the blood flow. Andi could feel the skin on her wrists were close to bleeding if they already weren't from the friction the ratted rope was causing. The blood on the floor kept her hope from dieing as she knew it was Jacob who shot the deadly bullet that made the blood spill onto the floor.

Burgess had left Andi alone for about half an hour now. There was a man stationed outside the door of the room, and for the most part, the windows had been blocked or barricaded leaving her to only have the window in the door providing light. She guessed that it was morning by the orangish hue that seeped through the window.

Andi closed her eyes, trying to think about something else - a memory that felt so far away. Hunting with her dad, forcing herself to help her mom sew patches on her torn jeans, helping her dad at the gun range....all the things she had loved about Hope County that now felt so distant, she prayed they were still real.

Andi flopped her head back and to the sides in a lame attempt at stretching it out. The stagnant position that she had been left in, without much of any range of motion, was making her wonder if she would even be able to stand if and when Jacob came for her. After at least three hours of being in the same position, she could feel her body seizing.

Andi had enough. She needed to just change positions, something. "Hey!" She hollered to the man standing guard. He shifted his footing a little making Andi know he heard her. Still, he didn't answer.

"Hey! Fuckwad! I'm talking to you!" She saw him start talking into his radio as he turned to look at her. "Yeah? Get in here you shit. Take care of your fucking hostage." The man shook his head, not in a reply but in an annoyed fashion, brushing off her words.

A few minutes later, no more than five, Burgess came sauntering in, his pistol in one hand and his other jammed into his pocket as he whistled a known Project Tune - 'Set those sinners free'. Andi's eyes narrowed as she knew he was trying to remind her of why she was there and whom he was luring out of the forest.

The Path To Freedom [Far Cry 5 AU] [Jacob]Where stories live. Discover now