Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to DeAunte ♥♥ Come Home Soon Baby!

All our lives we were told that we had a choice. A decision in whatever was to happen to us, but what if one day you didn't have that choice? That was how my story began. 

I will always love you~                                            

Chapter One.

His eyes met mine, and my heart began to beat erratically. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead, and swallowed hard. The girls around me were silent, and all I could hear was the faint sound of their breathing. His gaze had me trembling, ready to fall to my knees and pray. Alas, I'm stronger than that. I held his gaze, hiding my fear and refused to look down. A sign of disrespect, my conscious said and, I knew the consequences of it. 

  He took a step towards me, tilting his head and assessing me. As his eyes traveled from my toes to my eyes again, he was met with my look of disgust. This man- this monster was an abomination. I saw his eyes grow darker when he saw how I felt, and he looked to the man next to him. His right hand man, I realized. In every news report they were together, almost inseparable. He said something, so quietly I didn't hear him. His right hand however, nodded and his eyes also traveled to me.

      Great, I'm the center of attention. That was not a good thing, not in this case at least. The classroom lights flickered above my head, reminding me that my school had yet to change the bulb. I realized I was staring at the lights, and quickly averted my eyes back to his. This was a battle of dominance, and I would not back down. 

    I tilted my chin up to him, showing him that I felt that I was more powerful. A stupid move, I must admit, but my Alpha genes would not allow me to back down. His growl traveled through the room and shook the walls around me. Gasps were heard from all the she wolves in the room. I growled back in anger, my only thought that my pack was frightened. Deciding that this stare off would never end, I spoke up.

       “You have some nerve Macon.” I paused, trying to control my anger. “Not only did you attack my pack, you cornered the she-wolves that had yet to turn. What is your motive?” The last words came out as almost full growls. I could feel the she-wolves gazes on me, watching what I was going to do. I had always been known to have a temper, but I knew I had to play my cards right. 

         Standing in front of me, was a feared killer. Macon Dredos, a man of few words and cruel punishment. The man who is feared by the werewolf community. He has the strongest pack in the united states, and he is able to take thousands down at a moments notice. Over many years, he had built up his pack and trained each one to be ruthless. 

    In the back of my mind, I was wondering about my brothers and the rest of my pack. Where were they at? Did my brothers get them away safely? 

        As I came back from my thoughts moments later, I saw that Macon had yet to speak and was smirking at me. I growled again, stepping forward. “Let them go, there is no need to have these she-wolves here. They are of no harm to you or anybody else.” I paused, “They haven't even turned yet! They can't defend themselves!” His quietness worried me. I was to the point of begging to protect my pack. Was he going to hurt them?   He spoke up finally, his voice chilling me to the bones. 

        “I don't care.” No. Oh God, No! I stepped forward, and crouched slightly. I was prepared to fight for my pack to the death. There was no way in hell that I was going down without a fight. A slight chuckle came from Macon, as he assessed my stance. 

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