"Alexander... Hamilton? Give him a nice warm welcome guys," she chuckled nervously, Alex letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. That worked.
A few claps and 'welcome Alex's echoed through the room, Alex's eyes flickering up shyly as he smiled a little. The moment their eyes met sparks flew. The boy from his vision with the soulglass was seated right by the front, a pencil in hand and his cheeks rosy, accompanying the bright smile on his features. He had to drag his eyes away, preparing to hunt for Eliza but finding her right beside him once again.

She wore a small blue dress and white tights, her winter coat discarded to the floor beside her handbag. She was gorgeous, lifting a hand to push a few loose strands of silky black hair behind her ear. Their eyes met and she smiled, a comfortable warmth filling Alex's inside. It felt like one of his mother's hugs.

Alex was so lost in examining the two beautiful humans ahead he didn't realise the same woman from before had returned in front of him and was now shifting his outfit to look more intricate as it cascaded down the pedestal. He sat patiently, letting her sort it out, until he felt skin-to-skin contact. Her cold hands brushed his chest and he flinched in surprise.
"Sorry- I'm just going to move this down, we want a more relaxed feel with this one," she chuckled sheepishly, pulling the one shoulder on his toga down so it was slung on his arm, languidly sliding down to his elbow.

Now his whole chest was exposed and Alex was a little more uncomfortable. It wasn't that he was unhappy with his body, that wasn't it at all, in fact Alex was very happy with himself. It was more so the kind of first impression he was making towards Eliza, half naked on a pedestal wasn't exactly how he imagined this going, nice one Alexander.
"Where's your leg?" The woman continued to alter the outfit, Alex lifting his left leg hesitantly under the toga. What now?
She grinned and pushed the fabric aside, whipping out some fabric scissors and beginning to slice a slit in the toga. Alex's cheeks grew hotter as she shifted his leg to be exposed out from under the toga, letting the rest of the fabric fall around it.
"Needed something darker to break up the solid colour where the fabric falls-" She murmured with a small nod, continuing to analyse his position.

"Okay? Th-thanks?" He spoke almost as a question, not really sure how to answer to that. He quickly caught a little snicker and glanced over to see the boy with the wild curls grinning like an idiot. Oh god, he probably thought Alex was a real douche now.
"One more thing, can you untie your hair?" She beamed, Alex sighing. He was kind of waiting for that one. He reached up and yanked the lackie out, letting gentle, dark, chestnut brown waves trickle onto his shoulders, framing his face nicely. "Tilt your head up, to this side, there- yes!" She grinned, positioning his jaw to the sky delicately. The freckled boy shut up now, and Alex caught his gaze off to the side for a moment, smirking proudly.

"Alright artists, you can get started!" The woman grinned, moving to her own easel from off to the side and beginning to get to work.
Alex sighed through his nose, knowing he now had to sit as still as possible. He decided to just close his eyes, relaxing into the moment and letting Eliza and the mystery man analyse and replicate his body to their hearts content.

An hour passed, then half of another, before the woman in charge called time. Alex sighed and immediately dipped his head forward, massaging his neck.
"Thank you so much for joining us guys, feel free to grab some feedback on your work," she chimed as people began rolling up their large pieces of card to take home, or bringing them over to show the woman.
Alex tucked his leg back under the fabric and pulled the sleeve up over his shoulder again, standing slowly on wobbly legs.
His eyes flickered over to see Eliza packing up her artwork, rolling it into a cylinder and using a rubber band to keep it all together. Alex was a bit disappointed he didn't get to see it, but would hopefully some other time. 
"I'm gonna go wash my hands, I'll meet you in the foyer," Eliza grinned, wiggling her charcoal-stained fingers in the boy's direction with a small laugh.

"Sure, I'm almost done," the boy replied with a smooth, clarion tone, continuing to carefully prod at his card.
Most people had left now and Alex made his way down from the pedestal, shuffling over to the boy.
"Can I see?" He smirked a little, admiring his startled jump when he heard Alex's voice.
"Oh uh, yeah! Alex- right?" The boy stammered a bit before collecting himself.
"That's the name, don't wear it out." Alex nodded, moving around so he could see the canvas better.

"Sorry I'm not usually- like this- it's just with art... I um, it's not finished- and it's really rough, like very rough an hour and a half isn't a lot of-" Alex hushed John by lifting a finger to his lips absentmindedly, his expression one of pure amazement as he analysed John's work of art. He stared at it for a good amount of time, lowering his finger and sighing in awe. "Is it, okay?"
"So much more, this is insane- you turned me into a- a god." Alex laughed a little, bringing his knuckles to his mouth, his cheeks hot. "You are so talented. This is amazing. What are you doing here? Why aren't you filthy fucking rich yet?" Alex rambled with bright eyes. John laughed a little and prepared to reply before he was cut off by a gentle voice.

"John, we start early tomorrow!" Eliza cooed, popping out from the foyer and noticing Alex there. "Oh! Hey," She smiled shyly, tucking her hair back behind her ear again.
"Hey," Alex laughed a little, giving her a small wave. "I should let you two go then, it was nice meeting you Eliza and erm-"
"John," he nodded with a kind smile, rolling his artwork up similar to Eliza's.
"Eli- wait, how did you..." Eliza squinted curiously, Alex's stomach dropping. Fuck.
"Uh I heard John say it earlier! Just assumed," he chuckled nervously. Okay that wasn't a lie. Eliza relaxed a little and nodded, coming into the studio to stand beside John.

"You got a phone, Alex Ham-Ton?" She teased with a smile. John stifled a laugh and Alex felt the discomfort consuming him whole.
"It's, Hamilton." He corrected, pulling out his phone. "And yeah, why?"
Eliza reached forward and tentatively took his hand, pressing his thumb into the home button to unlock it. Her hands were delicate and very smooth, nails freshly manicured a pristine white, but now with black charcoal rimming the cuticles. Alex let her continue as she opened the 'contacts' app, quickly tapping in her name under 'Eliza' with a little blue heart. Alex smiled a little, admiring how careful she was.

"You don't have a whole lot of contacts in here, Mr Hamilton," she muttered, hesitating before adding another.
"I'm, er, new around here," he chuckled nervously, watching as Eliza pulled out her own phone to copy the next number in. When he was handed his phone back he also had a contact for 'John' with a tiny turtle emoji. "Thanks," he smiled gratefully, tucking his phone back into his pocket.

"Anytime, I look forward to seeing you around this scene again some time soon," she spoke softly, batting her eyelashes a little and tucking her own phone away into her purse.
"Yeah, I'd like that," Alex smiled. "See ya around Eliza, John,"
Eliza waved him goodbye one last time, grabbing John's hand and pulling him out with him. John's melodic laugh carried through the room as he followed her, turning to give Alex one last smile before he disappeared too.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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