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The night was interesting, with how the stars shone as if they knew something I didn't.

And it was silent, but it was the kind silence that we both enjoyed. Yet, at the same time it was killing me, because all I could think about was that she just kinda maybe indirectly said she wanted to be with me and that she doesn't even like him.

It was a wrong thing to think about, I admit, and it felt wrong to like the idea of it. But at times like this, when her fingers were laced through mine as she walked right beside me and the streetlamps were shining onto the contours of her face, it all just felt so right.

"We should stop by there." I said, gesturing to a small convenience store; noticeably bright amongst the empty night.


So we did just that, with Ashley walking slightly ahead of me, (partially because she was just simply a fast walker, and partially because I just wanted her within my sight).

The place was dismal, and I'm not particularly picky, yet it seemed almost unsanitary. But the most important thing was that it was open, and I guess, that that'll do for now.

There was a little bell signifying our entrance, the kind of thing you would expect from a small store like this, and the store clerk after hearing the chime, looked up at us with this undetermined disappointment in his eyes. Her looked long at Ashley as she walked in with her stiff stature, but quickly put his head down as he saw me following. All the while, she was wandering aimlessly throughout the store, trying to seem casual, but unable to mask the fact that everything about her looked hopelessly confused.



"What are we doing here?"

Her voice was nothing short of a whisper, and I thought it was funny; cute, even.

"What kind of sandwiches do you like?" I asked her, laughing while doing so.

"What kind of question is that?"

I just shrugged lightly, truly puzzled within how to answer her question in any other way.

"Oh, ok," she laughed vaguely and smiled as if my answer was a valid form in which to answer a question."In that case, I really don't know. I haven't had a sandwich in forever."


Stop being so awkward, godamnit.

My sneakers trudged along the floors that looked as if they were meant to be white, but weren't. I watched as she did the same, with her left hand tucked into mine, tiny feet stuffed into shoes far too large and aligned with the uneven off-white tiles.

In front us was a refrigerator choked full of various sandwiches and other pre-packaged food. So I grabbed, I don't know, but I know I grabbed lot of them, at least one of each kind. I then did the same to many other types of snacks, foods, and beverages, until it was all just one random amount of convience store edible goods.

"What are you doing?" Ashley asked lowly.

"Why are you whispering?"

To that, she whispered yet again, "I don't know," with a smile loosely streched across her face.

The cashier looked at me like I was insane as I set all of the items onto the counter, and I laughed at the simple irony of it all, right then and there, which probably made me seem like even more of a maniac. His lingering gaze quickly faultered, however, as he went straight back to scanning our items, only to give me a look moments later. That look. You know. Where he stared at Ashley for a moment, and then at me, and then at out joined hands, and probably wondered how I managed to hold hands with a girl as hold-hand-worthy as it gets. And I couldn't blame him, because I was wondering the exact same thing.

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