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  I stared at the picture of him, everyone I loved was gone. He had meant the world to me. Now he loves someone else. Crumbling the photo, I run into the streets toward home; turning just in time to see an 18 wheeled truck barreling towards me. The truck hit my left side at full speed, sending me into the cool afternoon air. As I was airborne, I see him staring at me in shock. Crashing face first into a lamp post. He came running as the world flashed black then white, I smiled as the world grew darker and darker. A face loomed over me, surrounded by golden light, and as he fumbled around trying to pick me up. Memories swirled around. My 14th birthday with Santiago, my 15th birthday with Clarissa. Santiago and Clarissa lying on the hospital bed, the pale kiss of death. Meeting him and falling in love again. Thought that I'd have my happy ending with him. But then again I'm a bringer of bad luck; a jinx, one who doesn't deserve happiness. Guess I won't make it to my 25th birthday. Bright red and blue flashes sprayed across my vision. Pitch black engulfin my hazy vision.

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