Chapter 88

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17th March 2023

I took Nathan downstairs into the living room that I had gotten Shawn to fill with a huge ball pit this morning so he could play with them.

"Look at this baby." I put Nathan down on the balls and he ran around and occasionally tripped over.

I sat in the pit before shawn came down with skylar. He put her in my lap and gave me a cheeky smile. "What is it?" I laughed

"I'm gonna jump in!!!" He said while jumping in pushing me down softly into the balls.

Skylar and I started laughing hysterically before Nathan came over and laid down on my chest. Shawn came next to me and kissed my cheek.

"Happy birthday." Shawn said to Nathan as he crawled on his chest.

"How have we been parents for two years?" I asked Shawn

"It's crazy, eh?" He looked at the ceiling.


Karen Walked into the living room and had a huge smile on her face "this is amazing!!" She couldn't stop laughing at the state our living room was in. "Happy birthday." She picked Nathan up and smothered his face with kisses.

Mum walked in with Olivia, dad and Aaliyah shortly after. "Who's going to clean all of this up after?" Mum asked knowing I wasn't going to.

"Shawn isss!!" I sung and danced around him and kissed his cheek.

I went to cut the cake after We all sung happy birthday to Nathan. I was in the kitchen with Karen as we served the plates to everyone.

"So you and Shawn are doing better?" She said quietly so he didn't hear

"A lot better. It's such a shame he's going on tour in a few months though." I frowned

"But then it will give you guys the time to appreciate each other and miss each other." She tried to make the situation happier.

"That's true." I said before taking the tray of cake into the living room to hand out.

I handed all the cake out and sat down next to shawn who gave sky a little piece of cake. "You like that?" He asked her after feeding her a tiny crumb

She started smiling. "If she throws up then you're cleaning that all up." I said in a baby voice while looking at sky. "Right my little nugget?" I rubbed her head as she carried on smiling.

Shawn watched me as I played with sky. I could see the smile on his face getting wider and him getting softer.

I Quickly looked at him and he laughed and bent down to kiss my lips.

@hannahsmith Instagram

@hannahsmith: happy Birthday to my first baby Nathan

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@hannahsmith: happy Birthday to my first baby Nathan. Mummy and daddy love you so much. Please stop growing up. 😭 I love you @shawnmendes

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