team talks

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Bellas pov

"You look like you could use a drink" I said sitting down beside a worried looking ella. The past few days had been filled with Cullens and the wolves seeking out Victoria and now hunting Maria. Victoria was seen leaving by the waterfall and Emmett crossed over into the wolves land which of course cause a bit of an upset between the two sides.

"I'm just tired, that's all"

But I knew that wasn't all, twin telepathy does have its perks and it's something that jasper will never be able to replace, which I'm selfish glad about. I can still give something to her that jasper never could.

"Alright, alright! That's not all okay!" She shouted hissing slightly and lurching forward in pain clutching the side of her stomach.
"Its getting worse isn't it... I really wish you would make me keep these pains a secret, if something happens to you because of this and jasper finds out I knew he'd kill me and then probably himself"

Ella glared at me whilst practicing the breathing techniques that Carlisle had gone over with her the few days. The due date was near and the Cullens were mentally and physically preparing for the birth of vampire or possibly human baby.

"Listen, just tell him... he'll figure it out anyway he's bound to feel your pain sooner or later once you drop the blocking spell"

Carlisle had also been helping ella to control certain aspects of her powers, to harness some energy during the fight and possibly give then the edge they needed to beat the newborns. I could tell jasper wasn't happy with the idea at first but once he saw what his wife was capable of he simply couldn't deny the fact that she could really help.

"Bella you're really not helping.... I cant have a distracted jasper on that battlefield, what if he takes his eyes of the newborns for a second to think about me and I end up with a headless husband!"

Pregnancy hormones. I think. I picked up my rucksack and Ella's as I put a hat on her head. The mountains would be cold tonight, I couldn't risk her getting frostbite.

"I'm taking extra blankets just incase" this wasn't an ideal situation but I couldn't help but feel like something terrible is going to happen.

"Wont they pick up on our scent easier if we take more of our stuff?" She asked confused. I shook my head pulling them out of the bag that Jake and the wolves had prepared for us.

"No they're from the wolf pack, if anything they'll help disguise our scent from the newborns and they'll help disguise you're babys scent since Carlisle said it was strong the wolves and Jake wanted to help out"

"Jake knows!" She got up out of her seat quickly holding herself up straight her large belly protruding outwards towards me.
"Ella, I had to tell him I mean come on it's not like we could hide this from them any longer you're practically as big as a house!"

Ella's first swung towards me as rage completely filled her eyes and I stepped back biting my lip, I really had to keep reminding myself shes sensitive about her weight.

"Okay! Love I think we should go and pour the hot coco into the flasks... I know how much you like chocolate" jasper swiftly caught the arm of his wife and pulled her away into the kitchen but nor before looking at me with amused wide eyes.

I mouthed a sorry and held up my hands quickly.

"Ahh, trouble in sister paradise again?" Edward said putting his arm around my shoulder as he smirked looking down at me.

"Shut up!" She's too sensitive"

Edward sighed and picked up the two bags hauling them over his shoulders with ease.
"Well, she is heavily pregnant"

"God why are you siding with her! Everybody's siding with her at the moment it's like she has power over you all!" I said sitting down on the couch looking up at Edward who just laughed.

"That's because shes a heavily unstable pregnant woman with hormones going through the roof of her head and secondly shes an all powerful witch... two very dangerous things to put together.... dont you remember what happened to Emmett when he called her a whale last week... I'm not taking my chances I'd rather not have to have my arm pieced together again"

"Coward, it wasnt that bad besides rosalie took Ella's side with that too"

I thought back to the incident a week ago remembering just how funny rosalie had found the whole situation especially searching from the missing pieces of Emmetts arm in the forest and finding them half a mile from the house, emmett had been whining the entire time because he couldn't wear his favourite watch, plus his pride and ego had been severely dampened.

"Hmm, I suppose you're right, I just cant wait for this baby to be born and for ella to go back to being normal again"

I picked up the extra blankets and followed Edward towards the field, jasper would follow with Ella once we'd set up camp high in the mountains.

Jasper pov

"Jasper, dont look at me like that, I couldn't help it" ella whined whilst patting her baby bump looking down at it lovingly as I cracked a smiled placing a small kiss on her head rubbing both her arms.

"I know love, but perhapse try to remember that your sister isn't an almighty immortal vampire like Emmett next time" I laughed remembering just how shocked he was that a human beat him up practically.

"Oh God! I still feel awful about that dont remind me" she said blushing bright red as I poured the hot coco into the flasks.
"You dont have to love, just worry about the baby, the due date is soon and I'd really rather not have to deliver my baby on top of a freezing mountain without Carlisle, even with Carlisle there I think it would be a challenge" I smiled wrapping my arms around her growing frame.

I couldn't help but feel restless, this is something I've wanted for so long and now its finally here, I just want everything to go as smooth as possible without an hiccups. We need to finish this fight with Maria, Victoria and the newborns once and for all but even then we still have the volturi problem to deal with.

"I'm just going to take these outside to put in the bags" ella said as she fastened the lid on one of the flasks.

"Okay love I'll be out in a minute, theres something I need to grab from upstairs!" I shouted having already ran upstairs.

"Jasper, I've got everything packed for the both of you... or as much as I could get into one suitcase anyway... are you sure this is safe?" I looked to Alice who handed me a grey old suitcase and a bag full of money that would hopefully see us through for the coming future.

"What other choice do I have Alice?"

"Just as soon as it's over promise me you'll leave even if you have to sedate her, it's  what's best for her and the baby.... we cant risk the volturi finding out about this ever."

I hugged Alice tightly and sighed before leaving with a small thankyou.

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