Giant Diapers and Liking Him

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The Hub,

Brown. Brown, not Red. Havillah had pondered this occurrence for about a week now. Still she could not make heads or tails of what had happened to her. Was she restored or not? Did it mean that her glory was now no better than that of a novice? Why brown of all colours? It bothered her. Being a colour that reminded her of the days of her beginning and the torment that had awaited her.Was it meant to make her reflect on something? Truly, with the Light there must have been a reason for this, right? And yet, none of what she had gone through truly made sense.

Brown. Why Brown? As if to answer her, a voice spoke from behind.

"Brown." The woman sneered. "I guess for some people, a change of colour equals to a change of dress." She added as she shoved past a surprised-looking Havillah, who yelped in the wake of her relentless fury. Havillah's eyebrows dipped as she steadied herself. What was the woman going on about? she wondered even as she tried hard to pin a name to the face."Cri..? No. Cra..?" Still frowning, she raised her arms and took a whiff at her armpits."Oh... Eeew!" She cried out, disgusted by the smell that had assaulted her olfactory senses. She had been right though, whatever her name was. She did smell terrible. How many days had it been? Six? Seven? A week since her last bath?

Once again, Havillah shook her head in disbelief as she stalked off to find the ever-elusive Captain.

"Not that I don't like your hub and all. It is all smart and techy." she said throwing in a word that she had just learned that week. "However, pardon me for saying that there is no place here for a girl like me. How am I supposed to groom myself here?" she added as she threw open the door to Killion's office.

"I thought I asked Calla to show you around and that included the ladies' room?" Killion replied without looking up from mounds of work that were piled up high on his office desk. Calla. Yes, that had been the name. She had to take care to remember. Not to earn the ire of the female sergeant who seemed like the last person she needed to offend. Speaking of which, she hurried on to defend her, just in case Killion ended up concluding that it had all been her fault.

"She did, but there is no way I can bathe in a toilet." Havillah answered, cringing as she shook her head at the very obscene thought.

."Oh, so sorry I forgot about that. You do not have a suit."

Snapping back from her disgusted ruminations, Havillah stared back at the man with a look that spoke great lengths of the inner turmoil and confusion at his words. A suit? What did it have to do with anything."I don't understand." she voiced her concerns." And while we are it, why does everyone, everyone here keep on bringing this up? Isn't it that obvious enough?" She threw her hands in the air in a show of vexation.

"Oh...You do need a bath." A voice said from behind her and she turned back to glare at the source. "Why are you looking at me like that? It is not like I am responsible for your stench." Gabriel snickered.

"Urgh...Killion! I need a bath!" she cried out, short of stomping her feet in a frustration.

"Yes, yes, right away, ma'am." The Captain chuckled. He stowed away his work and stood up ready to escort her out of the Hub. "Shall we? I also think it is time you met my mama and what better way than to kill two birds with one stone?"

Finally. She breathed out a sigh, relieved that he had finally heard her. Not about meeting his mother. She would never ask him for that. Though at the moment, it did not concern her whatsoever that he had mentioned it. No, she was too elated. Too hanged up on the prospect of having a bath that what should have made her panic barely registered in her mind.Havillah turned to follow Killion out of the office. She cast Gabriel one final scathing glare and was answered by a bout of annoying laughter that followed her to the gates of the hub. What was his problem anyway? She huffed, nose pinched up at the weird tendencies of the man that she had just recently learned was a whole junior lieutenant. For all his rank, he should have been more mature. More grown-up and not incarnation of the meddlesome twins that she had left back in city. Why? The gall of that man. She seethed within herself.

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