six ✨

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annies pov

i'm tearing up when ashers voice begins to speak. "i'm kidding!" he says opening his arms. i hug him back. i've never felt safer. the hug felt forever until his phone rung. "i'll answer it" i say and i grab his vibrating phone. "hello..?" i say confused. "hey um i cant hear you asher but i'm coming to visit you! don't tell annie she'll be made! love you" peyton says. i hang up with sadness and anger on my face. "what the heck!" i say shoving his phone at him. "look it's not what it seems- and why would you care? we aren't even dating-" he says annoyed. "i thought we.. ugh whatever- i should have never trusted you!" i say in tears. i storm out of the hospital ashers voice fading as i walk further away. i arrive at his house and grab my things. i begin walking. i dont know where. but walking. i end up at a playground...where i first saw asher. the day he moved in. i sigh and sit on a swing set. "how did everything get so messed up?.." i say with sadness in my voice. "i don't know" someone says. i turn to see jayden. "jayden?-we haven't talked in..." i say and stop myself. "if your going to betray me like everyone else your wasting your time" i say standing up and walking away. "where are you going?" she says looking at my things. i shrug. "you know you've gotten more talkitive" she says with a smile. i shake my head. and walk away. she follows. "go away!" i say and shove her. "gosh i'm just trying to help..let me please..." she says. i roll my eyes. i walk towards my house..she follows me. i arrive and see everything empty. "dad?" i say confused. i look to the counters and see a note. "i left his money for you and an appartment for you to live at xox -dad" i scrunch the note up. "i cant believe it" jayden says concerned. "i'm going to the appartment see you at school.." i say with a sigh. she follows me to the apartment which isn't to far away. she helps me pack and we get to know eachother. we spent 7 hours talking to eachother. it's now 12am and jayden just left. she seems like a true friend. i lay on my bed and see 173 missed messages from asher. and 21 missed calls. i click his photo and call him. "hey look i'm sorry- it wasn't how it was- forgive me.." he says. i roll my eyes. "whatever. i trusted you- which is hard to earn and you ruin it. it doesn't even matter because you said...nothings going on between us." i say and i hang up before he can say anything. how is everything so messed up? i change into pjs and cry myself to sleep.

the next day

i wake up with mascara all over my face. i sigh and wipe it off. today is the last day off school. then we have summer break. i grab my clothes and change. all black.. i threw away ashers hoodies i had kept and every trace of him. i walk into school and see jayden. "hey annie!" she says. i wave. she gives me a confused look. "asher said you guys did it go?.." she asks. "bad.." i say and roll my eyes. "you guys would be cute" she says. i gag "never" and we walk to class. during class we talked.

after school

me and jayden are hanging out. "so the party is today!" she says smiling. i shake my head. "no i'm not going!" i say. she laughs. "you can make new friends!" she says smiling. i sigh. she's going to win eventually. "great! let's go pick outfits!" she says turning directions we were walking.

at jaydens house

i walk in and am greeted by her parents. "hello! i'm jaydnes mum" she says and hugs me. "i'm her dad" her father says. he shakes my hand. "annie we better hurry up- i need make up done and everything!" she says running to her room. we walk into a purple room filled with tumblr things. "so i'm thinking this!" she says showing me a white dress. "hmm" i say.

 "i like it" i say with a slight smile

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"i like it" i say with a slight smile. "great! now your dress- i want us to match!" she says looking threw her closet. she pulls out a dress. "this???" she says smiling

 "this???" she says smiling

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i study the dress. "i think it's okay.." i say. her face lights up. "great let's get changed then do hair and makeup!" she says jumping up and down. i wear my hair in a bun and she wears hers down. it's now 9pm yes. we took that long. we head outside and take photos. i have to admit we looked cute! we then get in her car and drive to the party.

at the party

we arrive at the house. now i'm getting nervous. "are you going to get drunk...?" i ask. she laughs "NO JOKE!" she smiles and runs in. she begins dancing with random people. she's a mood. i just stay in a corner. she notices and walks towards me. "come on! we need to have fun!" she says. i shake my head. "here have water!" she hands me a drink. i drink it and she has one too. "that was not water!" i say. she laughs. we both drink till we can't walk. suddenly i'm dancing with strangers. jaydens dancing her heart out.

jaydens pov

"were drunk let's get home" i say. annie laughs. "no this is too fun!" she says standing up but falling. we were a mess. we were trying to help eachother outside. i knew we couldn't drive home so we walked. it was a hard walk. annie was going crazy. it was pretty funny. we told eachother our darkest secrets. we arrive at my house. i know my parents aren't home so we are okay. we walk in and i see asher. "what are you doing here?" i say slurring my words. "you two are drunk?" he says shocked. we nod. "you got out of hospital?" annie says. he nods. "i'm disappointed" he says shoving past us. we both crash on the couch.

annie's pov

i wake up in jaydens house. i have no clue what happened last night. i was drunk. jayden walks up to me with aspirin. "was it a fun night?" i ask. she nods her head. "but something you remember?" she says. i shake my head. she sighs in relief. "here take this" she says. i take the aspirin. "i really want to go to another party!" i say. jayden looks at me wide eyed. "uhh idk" she says. "come on your my bestfriend! you have to!" i say begging. "maybe ask peyton?" she says. i laugh. "no way" i say. "then no more parties" she says. i roll my eyes.

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