In My Dreams

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                   Hands reeling roses

In the wind:

All of this I dream at night:

It's you and I,

In a field full of roses.

Your grey dress frills, like the petals

Dancing to the rhythm of your voice,

As you hum and sing

To your own instrumentals.

It's as if the world


Around you.

—But you don't notice,

'Cause all that matters is love.

And you feel it,


You dance.

I reach for your hand,

And twirl you into my arms.

—Stars aren't as bright as your eyes:

Sparkles of emerald green light the sky,

Like the aurora borealis at night.

Your lips are pink and smooth

With the tiniest grooves,

Like rivers,

Flowing through

My eyes to my heart;

One sip,

And I know

I'll fall

For you.

I lean in for a chance

To change my world

—and you vanish,

Like leaves 

Lost in the wind.

I dream—again—and again


Till my mind is whittled

And my blood runs thin.

And every time you're in my head,

I lose a little of what has been.

Though, I won't rest...

For time won't win.

It won't run out on us.

It won't steal the future,

And it won't fade

What has been.

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