You're 20 in all of these except Eito, which is 15.
All the guys are the same age as they are except Eito is 16
(Before Dating)Your guys's first kiss together was very demanding. Of course, he's always demanding and needy but this, of course, was under the certain circumstances. So it had to look like you guys have kissed before so yeah, a 'practice' section, a very demanding and 'needy' first kiss.
Type: Needy and Demanding
(While Dating)So uhh again not the best circumstances, he pushed you up against a wall on the streets at night to hide his face from the person he was following. His face in the crook of your neck he apologized which uh let's just say sent the good tingles down. As soon as he was sure the guy was gone he looked you in the eyes and apologized. Not like you were paying attention, you were to busy staring at his lips, which he caught on to. One thing led to another and KACHOW ya kissed the Mobster
Type: Short and Passionate
(While Dating)Of course, Baba being Baba he took you to a Romantic Night Picnic. Baba wouldn't have it any other way than to Woo his lady with his Charismatic and his Romancing skills. He was staring into your eyes and then to your lips and he started leaning in when you spoke up "Uh what are you doing?? Is there something on my lips?" He childishly scoffs and plops down on the blankets, arms extended. "Princess you ruined the momennnnt!" You laughed and pecked his lips only leaving it there to linger for about 3 seconds you pulled away. He smiled at you then pulls you into his arms kissing you again only longer.
Type: Short and Sweet
(Before Dating)For the past week, Ota has been paying attention to nothing but his new painting for the gallery. Usually your fine with this but this week you've been a little clingy and been needing attention. He was finally done with it and was still asleep for 11 hours of well-deserved rest and you decided it was time for him to wake up. Entering his room and sneaking up to his bed you ran up to the bed a jump making him let out an 'Oof' sound. You, of course, couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Koro wh-" Before he could finish you plopped a playful kiss on his lips catching him by surprise. It took him a couple of seconds for him to realize what was going but he finally caught on and flipped you two over so he was on top. "Catching your master by surprise, Koro? Such a naughty girl."
Type: Quick and Playful
(Before Dating)So Eisuke forced all of the Bidders and you to come on this trip thing to Hawaii. Which was you know, fine. It's a free vacay and all that. It was the second morning there and you happened to wake up super early and you just so happened to see a certain somebody standing out the balcony with a cigarette in hand. Going onto to the balcony as quietly as possible so it scared the shit out of him when you spoke u. "Can I try...?" Jumping up he turned around quickly and sighed when it was just you. "Jeez, kid... you barely gave me a heart attack." You laugh while trying to get on the railing "Yeah and you would at that age, old man." He sighed but helped you on to the railing so you were about the same height when you sat there. Putting both his hands on either side of you, as if to trap you so you couldn't leave and to protect you so you wouldn't fall, he leans in closer to your face, cigarette still in his mouth. "So What was it that you asked kid?" You smile and take the cigarette out of his mouth. "I wanted to try!" You exclaim but before you could he took it, threw in on the ground, and stomped on it. Before you could say anything, which you were about to, he went in full force kissing you. Just as quick as he was to kiss you, you felt his tongue on your lips asking for entrance. You quickly obliged, pulling on his hair, and letting it take you where ever it was about to go. (It didn't last too long, Ota barged in awkwardly saying breakfast was ready.)
Type: Heated and Sexual
(While Dating)Y'all were just cuddling in your house, having a Disney marathon. He told his parents he was staying at friends house to which they agreed but he never said who so yeah. You guys were in the middle of Tangled just having back and forth banter like always. "NO! Just because a movie is around Christmas time does not make it a Christmas movie!" Eito argues. You scoff "Yeah it does! What else would describe a Christmas movie?!? Give me one example!" He smirks "Jumanji, Lady and the Tramp, Mean Girls, Home Alone..." you stop him. "Woah, woah, woah! Okay look the first three had scenes and home alone is totally a Christmas movie!" "No, it's not!" "Yes, it is! It's all about Christmas and being on his own during a normally family oriented holiday!" "Oh shut up (Y/n)." You smile "Make me." As soon as you said that you felt something on your lips. You close your eyes leaning into the kiss. His hand in your cheeks. He pulls away and smiles. You both just smile while looking at each other. He then chuckles and puts his arm around your shoulder while putting his head on top of your to hide his blush and you hide your blushing face in his chest.
Type: Playful and full of love! <3
I hope y'all enjoyed?? I'm really enjoying writing this so I could only hope y'all are enjoying it too! Uhh random but my friend who is a sophomore now just spent the last 5 hours trying to get some weird porn thing on The Sims 4, which I didn't know was a this so she's probably gonna get a virus, and she like just video chatted me about it and I'm really uncomfortable cause porn ads keep playing. But like SAME honestly.

KBTBB Scenarios
FanfictionKBTBB(Kissed by The Baddest Bidder) Boyfriend Scenarios, pretty sure that speaks for its self. Characters include: Eisuke Ichinomiya Soryu Oh Mitsunari Baba Ota Kisaki Mamoru Kishi Eito Ichinomiya (14)