Ah Yeah

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"I hope you will understand," without waiting for the answer, Peak stand up and walk out of the cafe.

What to understand? Why I need to understand? How can I understand? Oh, shit!  Did I just got dump? What number she was again? Mom will kill me. I hope King will let me to stay his place. Gosh, Kat will laugh at me again.

All the crazy thoughts simmering through Krist head, with a little bit huffing the breath out he put his head on table but off course after he slowly pushes back the cake that he ordered for Peak, his former fiancee. The thud surely will make people look but at the moment Krist just in the condition not care.

In the middle his wallowing about himself, his phone keep buzzing. Krist just know its better to stay away to answer or look at it, guess the hell is starting as Krist know very well the cafe that he choose to meet with Peak is the it cafe nowadays. It took several times for Krist to book a table since the cafe being featured in the gourmet magazine for their pastry, which left untouched.

The buzz keep on, and Krist nowhere the need to put his head up in near future, maybe until the cafe closing time but Krist knew thats not possible, he got dinner meeting tonight with the supplier from Hong Kong that he personally invited. Finally the buzz stopped or perhaps his phone just done with it.

Krist look up and startled as the seat in front of him now seated a man who enjoy the cake that he ordered.

"Who?" his voice a little bit hoarse as his throat feel so dry, slowly he took the water bottle in front of him and drink almost half its. "Sorry, who are you?"

"Its her lost," the man just ignore the question, pointing the cake.

"Okay, enjoy it then," Krist stood up and pull the chair a little bit to make room to walk, like what Peak did to him without waiting for the answer, Krist walk through the door, out of the cafe.

While walking to his car, Krist check on his phone, indeed the phone is dead. After he got in the car directly he plug in the phone for powering up, waiting for like seconds and the power is on, the power of fast charging. The buzz no longer happened but what Krist has on his notification already dreaded him. 78 miscalls, 56 unread messages, and many many notifications from the social media application.

Krist let out a breath for brave himself to check the list of the misscalls, before he does it theres a knock on his car window that made him startled and more confused when he found no one there but then theres another knock from the other side, the passenger side beside his that this last 3 months its Peak's seat.

Its the man from the cafe, the man who ate his cake, well not really his cake as he not so fond of sweet thing, its Peak but guess it can be anyone as Krist himself wont eat it. The man make a sign to lower the window but Krist is too shocked to do so, then the man just open the door which Krist forgot to lock and sit down then close the door again.

"Who are you?" Krist put down his phone on his laps.


"What do you want,"


"Why are you doing here,"

"Be with you,"

"Listen I already had a bad day, please stop and leave,"



"Why are you having a bad day,"

"Its just a bad day," Krist gritted his teeth, no way in earth he will say it out loud that he being dump (again), its like the 12th times within 3 years.

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