
378 25 44

NOVEMBER 24TH, 1994,


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"Ain't he so cute?" I watch Mrs.DeGrate coo over Davie. Derek and him seem to like each other very much. Donald was wherever.

Seemed as if he didn't want to be around me anymore. So I'm guessing me trying to open up more wasn't working. And if that's the case then I'm trying for nothing.

"He looks like Jennifer so much. The freckles,the skin color. Only thing he got is his Daddy ears. Other than that this your Momma's twin." I smile seeing that since I had him I've been hearing that this couldn't be Donald's baby because he looks too muc like a Stansfield.

Just because he doesn't look like Donald doesn't mean it isn't his. Plus I messed with no one else.I roll my eyes at the thought.

I wish he would believe that shit.

"Momma how yo-" I turn to Dalvin and turn back around to Davie who's attention was on Dalvin as well, but that mean mug was sitting heavy on his face.

"Hellooo Eritimus. Where is my granddaughter and Lauren?" I rub my face, hoping she wouldn't pop up in my face. Lena has yet to wake up and Joel was nowhere near us. Instead he stayed in New York with Lena. Leaving me in a shark tank.

Mrs.DeGrate face told me she was confused on why neither of us was speaking to one another and she wouldn't get it out of me. This is not my fault and I'm not crazy.

"They in my room sleep. She should be up soon. But i'll let y'all be." She kept her attention on him until he left out the room.

"Janineeee a year ago, you couldn't keep Dalvin from talking about you. Now he's acting as if you made of glass. I sense something."

"We decided not to be friends anymore but I'm okay. God wouldn't take no one out of my life if it wasn't good for me." She nods still looking disappointed but it was too late.

Davie let out a squeal getting attention back on him. And Mary put her hands up.

"I'm so sorry Davie. All attention on you." I chuckle playing with his small hand.

"Did you think about what I told you last time we talked?"

I shook my head no. Me going to my Mother's Grave went chills on my spine everytime and as much as I probably needed it? I can't seem to get it. But I want that one piece of my troubles to leave. I'd have to. Before I leave in a day I'd have to go.

"I been thinking and yeah I'm going. But it won't be easy you know? This is very hard. But if I don't, I'll be stuck thinking if I didn't." I spoke truthfully and she nodded.

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