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"So, you're not a Junior?" Maya pouted, as she followed Juliet into the office not wanting to depart from the girl just yet

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"So, you're not a Junior?" Maya pouted, as she followed Juliet into the office not wanting to depart from the girl just yet

"Sadly no, originally I was supposed to be, but according to my transferred credits, I'm somehow a Senior here" Juliet had told her as she watched Maya look at her schedule. She noticed that Maya had a huge smile plastered on her face," Is something wrong?"

Maya handed the schedule back and shook her head, it was a lie because she knew that Juliet had every single class with Embry, and now they definitely will run into each other. So that meant it was the waiting game to see if Embry imprints or not.

"Well, the good thing is that my lunch period is the same as yours, so I'll meet you after class since mine is just across yours!" Maya was usually not one to like someone so quick, but she just felt something right about Juliet Michael, and she had prayed to the gods that she and Embry were soulmates.

"Well, I'll see you then" Maya waved as she skipped away happily as she hummed. Juliet couldn't help but chuckle at the small girl who bumped into people, but her contagious smile made the ones she accidentally hit just wave it off and smile in return. Juliet now hoped, that her luck had not run out and that she would fit right in the school.

Juliet stood in front of her classroom door, taking a breather before having to walk in, she was one of the few people left in the hallways having had trouble finding the room "So, are you just going to stand there or are you going to move aside?" Juliet quickly moved to the side and turned to a girl who had a scowl on her face. Although something about this girl had Juliet scrunch her face, something about her was familiar.

The girl frowned at Juliet who was intensely staring at her," What the hell is your problem?" The girl was losing her patience but Juliet was not showing any sign of looking away, only making her angrier.

"See here you litt-"

Aniya, Aniya Majorie!" The girl raised an eyebrow at Juliet having known her name and actually saying it right. It was the one issue she had at this school, and that was no one being able to say her name right no matter how much she corrected them, it was always butchered.

"Yes, uh, who are you?" Aniya said slowly as she narrowed her eyes. Sure, she hardly talks to anyone in school and keeps to herself, but even she knew that this girl was new at school

"Juliet Michael, we used to attend defence classes together"

Aniya looked at Juliet for a moment trying to match her to her memories, and then it hit her, as a smile made it on her face," Oh my god, Juliet!" She didn't care if people stopped to stare as she jumped hugging the only girl she actually tolerated ever.

"Thank goodness" Juliet sighed," At least we have our first class together" Aniya smiled as she grabbed her hand pulling her in, and the moment she did, everyone turned, and one pair of eyes, made her turn her head freezing in place like she was in a trance.

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