(Chapter 24) So give me a remedy

Start from the beginning

"Wait, it's not what it looked like," Mira immediately steps away from Jungkook.

She walks forward and puts her hand on your arm.

"Just listen. Jungkook was really upset. He made a mistake on stage, and-"

"No," you seethe, cutting her off.

You pull your arm out of her hand.

Her lipstick has left a print of her lips on Jungkook's cheek.

You hate it.

You hate her.

You trusted her when she said she wanted to be your friend, but here she was, kissing him...

You spin to get away from her, but the force of your body turning as hard as you could... ends up slamming your shoulder into her.

It is an accident.

An apology leaps out of your mouth the instant you feel your shoulder hit her.

"I'm sorr-"

But it's drowned out by her surprised "OH!" as she's knocked back.

She's torn off balance.

She falls, landing hard on her hip.

You see her right ankle bend and twist violently over her high heel as she sprawls onto the floor.

It looks terrible.


Jungkook's hoarse voice explodes from him.

He jumps up from his chair and drops to his knees beside her.

Mira is dazed for a moment, her face scrunched in pain.

She curls into herself.

"I... I'm sorry," you whisper uselessly.

Your legs feel like lead weights.

You're frozen in place by what you've done.

"Noona, where are you hurt?" Jungkook is asking, his eyes scanning her.

"I'm, I'm okay," she pants, her hands already clutching her ankle.

"Let's get her to the first aid room," someone says.

Jungkook glances at her ankle and frowns.

He reaches one arm under her back and the other arm scooping under her knees.

Soulmate Bonded: Jungkook xReader (feat. Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now