Chapter 21

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I keep looking at my phone, my mind racing as those three dots keep appearing and disappearing on the screen. I wonder if he thinks I'm playing some kind of game with him. My mind was obviously on him the whole time I was out, but where was his?

Thomas: Are you home yet? Can I call you?

Lisa: Sure.

My phone starts ringing immediately, and I have to take a deep breath before answering it. "Hi," I whisper, feeling awkward with him for the first time since we met.

"Lisa." He lets out a relieved breath.

I wish my heart would stop beating so fast, and that it didn't get so excited every time we talk. Hearing his voice today feels amazing and so hard at the same time. It's like my heart is exposed and my feelings for him are finally forced to be acknowledged.

"Hey." I swallow, glad he can't see me.

"So, a date, huh?" he says, trying to sound nonchalant. Only I know him better by now.

"Yeah." I close my eyes, wondering where this conversation is going. There's no way we could ever work. He made it clear more than once. Yet, he's definitely jealous right now.

"Did you have a good time? Have you known him for a while?" he asks.

"Yeah, It's Mark. He's Alexia's husband's best friend. I've known him for a while now." I head to the couch, realizing I was frozen at the door.

"So... Uh... Are you seeing him again?"

"Yeah..." I rest my head on the back of the couch. "He's a nice guy, but..."

"But?" he whispers, the eagerness in his voice unable to ignore.

"Guess there was no chemistry there." I close my eyes, remembering Mark's kiss. When he made a move to kiss me, I thought about turning my head away, almost as if by instinct. But the way he looked at me like he cared if I agreed or not to the kiss made me realize he was waiting for my consent. Something I didn't know I craved until that moment. So, when his lips touched mine, a part of me wished I could feel something. Too bad, my heart was miles away. Still is.

"Oh..." Thomas murmurs, breaking me away from my thoughts. "Lisa, I..." He gives a sharp exhale, the longing in his tone clear.

"How have you been?" I clear my throat when my eyes water. "I was worried."

"I spent the last thirty hours nursing a rhino that was attacked by poachers back to life. She has monopolized all my time lately." He lets out a frustrated breath. "I forgot my phone at the hotel when I left Johannesburg and didn't know your number by heart."

"Who memorizes people's phone numbers these days, right?" I try to joke, but when he doesn't laugh, I know something has shifted in our friendship.

"Yeah..." he says after a second.

"Is the rhino going to be fine?"

"I have no fucking clue." He lets out a sigh, and it's the first time I've seen him so serious. "Rhino poaching is out of control. They've already killed three animals and got two severely injured. We'll need a bigger backup, but I'm not sure we'll get any more people so soon. Things are difficult here, but we're all doing our best. I just..."

"Just?" I whisper, my eyes closing when he sucks in a sharp inhalation

"I hate I'm here right now."


"This job is amazing. Being able to help with some this big..." His breath snags. "But I miss you, Lisa! And I have no right to feel jealous you went on a date. But I am jealous. I am-"

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