XXXXIV - Blood

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I crouched behind a table, still hearing the gunshots go off as I prepared my gun to start shooting. I got up and noticed that the guys were still alive, shooting at the people who approached us with red diamonds on their leather jackets, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Yousif yelled as he kept shooting towards the men. There weren't many that came into the room, but I knew there was more waiting outside, possibly even killing our men.

I couldn't help but think about Blu, think about how she could be able to stop this situation within seconds. But the reality is, Blu isn't here right now and we have to face this war without her.

We're coming for you Blu, just let us take care of these fudge nuggets first.

Suddenly, an idea comes into my head. It may be risky but it sure as hell might just work if we play by the plan very carefully.

Once the men were down we gathered back around each other, trying to figure out how to not die, "Look, I have a plan. It may be risky but it's worth a hell of a shot if it turns out well-"

"Why should we listen to you? You made our little sister runaway and get trapped there in the first place," Zach snapped.

"I may have gotten her in there but I also knew her the best out of all of us. This plan is risky for us but Blu might just make it look simple, " I started. When nobody protested I continued, "speed." I simple stated.

They scoffed in my face but I cut them off before they could say more, "Look I know it sounds ridiculous but remember what Blu said, ' The only time you shouldn't use speed is when you use strength, ' If you can't make it past the diamonds using the right timing then you have to fight your way through it," the sounds of gun fire and men screaming were heard outside and I could see the signs of panic in the guys eyes.

I turned to Boss who gave me a nod, "Fuck it," he said and we rushed out the doors.

We ran through the hallways and pushed the doors open only to be met with a massacre unfolding before us. Many of our men were down, but more were fighting their asses off using the techniques that they were trained to use. The Blood Diamonds were off guard by their strength which gave us perfect time to get past them. I grabbed my knife from my boot and the others followed, "For princess..."

"For cupcake..."

"For Blu bear..."

"For pumpkin..."

"For sugar...."

The Black Dragons stayed silent until we were finally dragged into war with their next words....

"For Baby Fucking Blu..."


We all rushed into the chaos, my twin by my side as always. All that we were thinking about was our little sister and I'd rather die trying to fight instead of watch her glow fade away.

We ran towards the other side through the Blood Diamonds, slashing the opposing team in every direction, slashing throats and stabbing shoulders as we ran past. The White Knights were a rough 50 meters away from us since the Diamonds blocked the entrance of the Base. How did they even find us?

Bullets flew past us but we dodged them just in time. I've never felt so alive, the adrenaline running through my blood was out of control and I couldn't control it. Is this how Blu always felt? Is this why our little sister was so good with killing? Because she never stopped?

I turn to Will who was running right by my side and the others who were doing the same. I didn't even notice where I was going because I bumped into a hard wall, but when I looked up it wasn't a wall.... and hell was I more than happy to see that face.

Baby Blu Assassin// COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now