Case Of Nanaki: Page 13

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However, there was no one he knew. Maybe if he went there and talked to people they would show concern and listen to him. But no one would say, "Ah yes, so that's how it's been for you."

"I'm all alone."

Nanaki said as he trembled.

"I have such a long lifespan that one day I will experience loneliness—It's my fear of being lonely. Is that what Gilligan is?"

"I call it exhaustion from over-anxiety."

"Don't make fun of it!"

Smiling at the anger Nanaki showed, Vincent replied back.

"Then imagine this. You won't become lonely. You may even have children."

"Me have children? I just can't imagine that. I can only imagine the Nibel bears."

"Then how about this? Every year you visit Midgar once. There, I will be waiting. And I will be listening to your worthless stories as if I have no interest in them at all."

Nanaki thought of that. Vincent's solemn face appeared. And the trembling stopped. It seemed Gilligan had disappeared.

"Looks like you've stopped trembling."

"Yes. But one day, even you Vincent will—"

"That day will never come. I am immortal. Whether that is fortunate or misfortunate for me."


Nanaki thought about the loneliness that wrapped itself around Vincent. Even though he may have a long lifespan, one day he will die. But Vincent he—

"Hey. While I'm still alive, be sure to meet every so often so we can talk."

Vincent looked at Nanaki as if troubled and began to speak.

"Just once a year. You'll have to pardon me if you want to meet any more often than that."

Saying that, Vincent hung his head and buried his face in his mantle. His shoulders were shaking a bit. It was the first time Nanaki saw Vincent laughing.

"Gilligan. Gilligan did you say?"

"Heh. Laugh all you want."

"If you'll excuse me."

Vincent raised his voice and laughed. At first, Nanaki stayed quiet but before long he too laughed.

The last time laughter filled the Forgotten City was during the Cetra Age but now, it rang throughout the air once again.

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