When I'm lost I feel so very found

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“There are those who think that I'm strange 
They would box me up, and tell me to change 
But you hold me close and softly say 
That you wouldn't have me any other way”

Anchor” by Mindy Gledhill is the song for today. It’s so dreamy that I thought it was fitting for Sanem, but the lyrics really apply to her and Can.


When she woke up the sun was shining brightly through her windows. She refused to stay in the house today. She could finally walk around by herself, albeit slowly, and she couldn’t be cooped up even one more hour. She got ready quickly, just the front of her hair pinned back and minimal makeup. She grabbed her baby pink coat and stuffed some tinted lip balm in her bag before heading downstairs.  

She did actually sit down to eat with her mother. It was a habit formed in the last few weeks, but she found that she enjoyed spending the time. A few bites in, she told her mother that she was going to spend the day at the library in the  mahalle  to write and maybe read a little.   

After breakfast  Mevkibe  walked her to the library on her way to the Head office. She kissed her mom goodbye and went in to find a comfortable spot to write. She pulled a pink notebook and her feather pen and inkwell out of her bag. A swipe of lip balm and the removal of her coat made the settling in complete.   

She was rereading what she wrote before bed last night when she heard her phone ping.  

What is the prettiest girl in Istanbul up to today?  


He had been texting her things like that a lot recently but it still gave her butterflies every time.   

Can  Bey  

I’m not sure what she’s doing, but I am doing some writing in the  mahalle  library today. ; )   


She loved to tease him.  

Oh sorry, I meant the most beautiful WOMAN in Istanbul. I’m thankful that you answered anyway.   


More butterflies . He’s such a dork.  

Can  Bey  

What are you up to Mr. Inquisitive?  



Here at the agency. We got 3 new campaigns just today. I’d rather be with you. : (  


Can  Bey  

We will have to make a plan to meet somewhere soon. You probably can’t risk coming here again. Leyla read me the riot act after last time.  



I’m sorry. No one else saw though? And she didn’t tell anyone, right?  


Why is he pushing his luck?  It wouldn’t be him if he didn’t.  

Can  Bey  

She didn’t. I think she’s coming around, but it’s only been four days.  



Has it been four days? It felt longer. Allah  Allah , I need to see you.  


Can  Bey  

We will soon I promise. I miss you too.  



örüşürüz ; )  


Hmm. That was abrupt. And the emoji?  He’s up to something.  

Her suspicions were soon forgotten as she got lost in the world inside her head.   

She only noticed how late it was when she heard a strange noise and looked up to see the sun low in the sky.  

I just need to finish this paragraph, then home for dinner.  

Hands grabbed her from behind and pinned her to her chair. She was too frightened to scream, she just sucked in a small breath and held it.  

“There you are.” a soft, deep voice whispered in her ear.

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