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🤲 ALLAH, on this day, let me have mercy on the orphans, feed the hungry, spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded, O the shelter of the hopeful

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🤲 ALLAH, on this day, let me have mercy on the orphans, feed the hungry, spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.

Ya Razzaq, We are blessed beyond measure as we have a roof over our head, food on our plate, clean water, and clothes on our bodies. We are living in luxury. Many of our brothers and sisters around the world are without these. We are in a state of fasting from sunrise to sunset but our brothers and sisters are hungry every single day. It’s a daily reality for them. They are eating leaves Ya Allah while we are eating meat. We feel ashamed. Ya Rabb. Give me the ability to feed those that are hungry. Give me the ability to clothe those that are bare. Give me the ability to provide drink to those who are thirsty.

Ya Kareem, children have lost their fathers and mothers in war and conflicts. These innocent children have no one to look after them. Give me the ability and honor to care for them. For Rasulullah has said, those that care for the Orphans will be like this (putting his two fingers together) in the akhirah. Don’t deprive us from this gift. Allow us to give from whatever we have. Do not let shaytaan deceive us into thinking we cannot give or we will give when we earn better. Don’t let shaytaan trick us and deprive us from committing good.

Ya Rahman, descend your mercy and sustenance on the orphan and the needy and make us forerunners of those who have the honor of helping them.

Ameen ya rabbi! :)

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