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After a few more gigs and set ups, their name grew and they became more popular making quite a bit of money. Nikki decided to throw a house party. There were so many random people and grupies coming in and out. People brought marijuana and bags of cocaine. You watched as the guys drunk  till they puked and Tommy and Nikki snorted white poweder. You sat in the corner sipping a beer. This guy walked up and gripped your thigh. "Not a slut, sorry" you said shifting your legs. He flashed some cash in your face which you slapped away. "Not a slut means no service, dumbass"
He frowned, "bitch" he said as he walked away. You sighed. Nikki protected you so much you didn't know how to handle the situation. You get up and walk over to him.

"Nikki...this guy um.."
"Hey everyone!" He interrupted you
"Look what my baby sister can fucking do!"
He shoved a large bottle of Jack Daniel's in  your hand that was mostly full.
"But Nikki i need to tell you something..."
"Come on y/n, lets go!"

You sighed and cocked your head back chugging the drink straight with large gulps. You finished the whole bottle not spilling a drop. Everyone cheered as you smashed the bottle on the ground when you were done.

"Hell yea! Thats my sister!" Nikki shouted jumping uo and down. You laughed then let out a burp. You held your head and stepped outside. You had to go through the window.  Nikki nailed the door shut because the police kept kicking it in.
There you found Tommy smoking a cig as people walked by coming and going.
"How's that party?" He asked with a smile
"Duuuudeee" you slured
"Fucking dope"

"Haha i bet. I'mma be in soon" he said taking another hit of his cig. He offered it to you and you puffed it. You tried really hard not too cough in from of him but he could tell you were dying and laughed.
"Its not funny" you hit his arm while weezing.

"I know" he said, "Its adorable" then kissed your cheek before climbing back through the window leaving you with the short poison stick. You puffed it some more until it felt natural.

~time skip a few days~

You set up more gigs for the band and each show  was a success.
You guys were out celebrating once again having a great time. You sat between Nikki and Tommy once again. You had your shots, they had their bottles. Nikki tossed a wad of money at a chick walking by who turned with a confused look.

"Go under!" He shouted over the music.
She smiled lifting the table cloth and slipping under the table.
"Ugh Nikki thats sick" you said and everyone laughed. You kicked your legs up laying them across Tommy's lap and put your head on Nikki's shoulder.
You guys laughed and spoke for a while.
"So Vince, what happened to that bitch you always had clung to your side?"

"Lets not talk about that" he said taking a drink and everyone laughed. A strange man walked up to the table and said hello. Tommy did his cigarette trick sticking it to the bottom of his lip, "hey, ya wanna sit down? Sit, do it" he said

"Thats really cool" the man laughed and sat.
"My name is Tom and I'm here to offer you a- WHAT THE FU..." He jumped up zipping up his pants. Everyone laughed as the chick from earlier poked her head up, "no? None for you?" She asked
"no" Tom shook his head
"no thank you..."
"Ok" she smiled slipping back down. He was hesitant but slowly sat back in the booth.
"Anyway... I've seen you guys out there, you guys are great and I wanna help make you big. I'll set up all the gigs and get you a manager, what do you say?"

"Uh.." Nikki reached over and slammed Tommy's head on the table multiple times as everyone laughed.
"Is that a yes?"

"I dont know if we can trust someone who wouldn't accept a free blowjob man..."
"Yea" everyone agreed
"Besides, we've got y/n here." You smiled
"Yea but i can get you guys across the country, what can she do?" You pick up a shot glass and throw it at him barely missing

"Jesus!" He flenched
"That" you said as everyone laghed again.
"Yea man sure, lets do this" Nikki said. Tom stood up and shook his hand handing him the paper work.

~time skip a few weeks~

You guys finally got the call and it was the big night. Thousands of people would be watching. No pressure.

Tom came over to prep talk the guys but only made things worse then walked away.
"Great" Nikki breathed and you patted his back. Tommy spun his drumsticks dropping them. Fuck, their gonna die.

"We're gonna fucking die" Mick said
"Read my mind" you sighed. Finally Vince came out and they all went on stage. Mick looked at you with a "kill me now" expression. Vince fist bumped you running up. Nikki walked pass without anything and

Tommy stopped to hug you whispering in your ear making you giggle. As he walked up Nikki gave him a death glare.
They went out and performed their new song shout at the devil. It was so amazing. The crowd loved them. They were gonna be such a fucking hit. Your big brother was officially a rockstar.

My big brother's a rockstar (Motley Crue)Where stories live. Discover now