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Nikki & Randy:
It was three days after Nikki called Randy and Randy had ended the call due to Nikki ridiculous accusations that he cheating on her. After the call, Randy had found Brie straight away who was more than annoyed with her sister. She left him for couple of hours later promising you she was going to have a word with Nikki. Now you were backstage of Raw sat by himself in a corrior running through his lines for against Shinsuke. His phone began to ring out and he picked it up instinctively. "Waddup, Brie?" He answered. A voice answered, "I'm not Brie but someone you regonised, Randy is that you?" 
" Uh Huh, who is this?" He asked.  "It's Alexa" she replied.
   "Oh," was all he could manage. "Brie found out what happened yesterday so she came over to my locker room to have some few words. Alicia message me telling me that I was being stupid. She use her phone because you wouldn't  pick up if it was my number." She said.  "She got that right," he muttered, "How could you even accuse me of that, Alexa?" He heard a sigh on other line.  "I want to apologise for what I said. I promise there was no reasoning behind it, it was merely my paranoia and that's it. So if you'll forgive me, I'm sorry."
"I suppose you're forgiven." He answered with an lightness in his voice.

Roman & Brie:
It was Wrestlemania and Brie were currently in the middle of preparation for PPV. There were bruises on her arms and around her left eye from where Roman had lashed out at her that night before. She'd gone to Nikki after it had happened and pulled her into to some much needed rest. Since then, She also told, Seth and Nattie not to go and beat Roman.
  So far that day she had done a good job of avoiding the subject and most importantly, Roman himself. She busied herself with Raw women division(not competing) ensuring that they were preparing for the evening. However during the pre-show it had became impossible to ignore him so she accepted his offer to sit with her in catering.

"Look, I can't remember much last night considering I was off my head. I can remember is what happened in the hotel room and I'm sorry Brie. There's no purpose behind it, it wasn't deliberate at all and I promise on my life that I will make it up to you. Roman said quickly. "And you promise that it will never happen again?" She said pushing her plate to the side. " I swear it will never happen again," he responded.
She saw an sincere look in his eyes. "I believe you." Roman sighed of relief. "So what's this about needing to be on my brother's good side? Am I getting a shield reunion?" "You  have to wait and see babygirl" Roman smirked.

Finn & Bayley:
It had been 3 weeks since Bayley and Finn last spoke when they fought over the phone and  were currently in Smackdown. Charlotte, and Bayley  were at the Performance Centre training. he had been doing some work in ring with Sasha when Finn walked past. He felt tense built up and stopped what he doing. "You alright." Paige asked concern. "Yeah, fine" he said nodded. "It's about Finn isn't it? You forget that we're his friend. He told us everything and he regrets everything she said"  Sasha chimed in. "Is that so" Finn said smiled at Karl. "Yep, ask him for yourself," she gestured behind Bayley. His body twisted to see Finn leaning against the turnbuckle. She sat next to Finn on the canvas. "She's right, I supposed I was jealous of you, you get to be on Smackdown, while i'm Raw.
  "But think of everything you done outside of WWE! You compete across the world and trained loads of wrestlers." Bayley reasoned with her boyfriend. Finn smiled, "True, True, now are training or not because Randy have been eyeing me since I've arrived." Bayley laughed and help him up from the canvas.

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